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Most of the content on the Light The Minds website, including material in posts and web pages, is protected by copyright and published by us. We respect user privacy and the term of the condition.
We also distribute the content supplied by non-staff writers such as bloggers, contributors, writers, and other content providers. So we do not warrant, represent or guarantee that text, images, and external links because that material is published by a 3rd party. All (text, graphics, and links) are just provided for the information. Guest bloggers and other contributors are responsible for their own submitted material on our website.
We allow others to use our web content if they refer to or mention us like “This content is originally published by Light The Minds”.
However, almost everything on this website comes from us and our author’s brain, but still, if you find anything copied, illegally, or taken from your source, please contact us. We will either remove the section or give you credit.
Thank You!