3 Ways Moms Can Alleviate Back Pain

Moms Alleviate Back Pain

Many women experience back pain throughout their pregnancy, and there is a good medical reason for this; you are carrying an additional person around with you, weighing, on average, eight to ten pounds. This will make your back hurt as your posture will be different, and you will find your muscles and spine have to bend in new ways.

You might think that this will mean you can stop worrying about your back pain once you give birth, but the truth is that many new moms find their backs continue to hurt even once the baby arrives. This might be because of the physical exertion of labor, or perhaps because there is no time to rest once you have a newborn, and therefore the body can’t repair itself as it usually would. Whatever the reason, there are some things you can do to alleviate the issue. Read on to find out more.

Choose the Right Stroller

As we’ve said, there is a lot of physical activity associated with being a new parent – in fact, this doesn’t stop just because the child gets older either! – and your back might suffer as a result. One thing that can help in choosing the right stroller. If you choose a good quality stroller that fits you just as well as it fits your baby, you can use it to help you stand up straighter, allowing your spine and muscles to recover more easily. 

Take a look around, and you’ll see there are many options, but you’ll want a stroller that offers you support, is safe, and that looks good – and it needs to fit with your budget, of course. You can travel anywhere with ease, elegance, and style with ANB Baby’s range of baby strollers, so this is a great place to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Know-How to Lift Heavy Things

Something that every mom will need to do throughout the day is to lift relatively heavy things. This might be the baby themselves, or it could be the stroller, groceries, or anything else. The problem is that when you are already suffering from back pain, lifting incorrectly can make it worse. Plus, not knowing how to lift properly can actually bring on back pain in the first place.

It’s crucial for new moms to know how to lift heavy items in the right way as this will protect their spines and make things much easier for them. It won’t exacerbate existing back problems, and it won’t bring on new ones. The best way to lift is to bend your knees and not your back. Keep your back as straight as you can. It’s your leg muscles that should be doing the work, not your back muscles.

Try to Rest

Before you dismiss this piece of advice as impossible because you have so much to do, why not take a moment to really consider this? What do you have to do? You have to take care of your baby and yourself. Right now, that’s the only thing that’s important. So, although you might feel as though you have to get on with the housework or cook dinner or tidy up somehow when your baby goes down for a nap, these things are not really that important. It’s far more important for you to rest.

The more you can rest, the more your back will be able to heal and the less pain you’ll be in. So, forget the housework, ask someone else to make dinner (or treat yourself to takeout), and take the opportunity to really rest. You’ll get far more done once you’re well.

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