Not only is ginger a tasty addition to your meals, but it is also a great ingredient to help boost your health.
The health benefits of ginger come from its natural oils – specifically gingerol. This oil acts as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory.
Ginger has also been known to enhance brain function and protect it against Alzheimer’s disease. Add it to your food for a spicy uplift, apply ginger oil, eat fresh ginger, or take ginger supplements to get the full impact.
Read on to discover 10 other reasons you should use more ginger.
1. Fight Nausea
When it comes to the health benefits of ginger, fighting nausea (like morning sickness) is the most popular. It is also backed by science.
Studies followed patients who take ginger for a range of conditions, including after surgery, morning sickness, or certain cancer treatments.
Dabbing ginger oil on the wrists, or taking ginger internally, both worked to reduce nausea and vomiting.
2. Battle Illnesses
The rhinovirus causes the common cold and salmonella. Ginger inhibits both of them, making it a superfood you need to keep in your larder.
Ginger is one of the best herbal remedies to battle head colds each winter.
3. Reduce Dizziness
Taking ginger can reduce the dizziness associated with vertigo and nausea, according to WebMD.
4. Boost Your Appetite
You will want to use fresh ginger here, not powdered ginger.
Add some to your meals to help activate your digestive system. It also encourages your appetite, which is great after illness or during periods of stress.
5. Soothe Osteoarthritis
As well as fighting menstrual pain like ibuprofen, ginger can even reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.
Try using ginger oil with massage therapy to reduce knee pain or short-term stiffness.
6. Soothe Painful Muscles
The anti-inflammatory nature of ginger helps soothe muscular pain during exercise. You won’t see a difference overnight but take ginger regularly to see a long-term reduction in pain.
7. Reduce Menstrual Pain
According to WebMD, ginger can help reduce pain caused by periods. Take 1500mg of ginger daily over the first three days of your period.
Not only can it reduce menstrual pain, it can also help ease other symptoms. It’s about as effective as ibuprofen.
8. Soothe Nasal Congestion
Throat and nasal congestion are common side effects of colds and coughs. Hot ginger tea can help alleviate the symptoms.
Peel a cube of fresh ginger and steep it in boiling water. Drink your warm, spicy tea to clear your nose and throat.
9. Improve Cholesterol Levels
One of the surprising health benefits of ginger is its ability to fight cholesterol. Increase your intake of ginger, lemon, turmeric, and garlic to clean up your arteries.
10. Reduce the Risk of Diabetes
A 2015 study showed ginger reduced fasting blood sugar levels in those with Type 2 diabetes. That’s when it was taken daily in powder form.
The product also improved levels of HbA1c (marking long-term blood sugar levels) by 10%. Ginger powder boosted two more heart disease markers.
Try adding ginger powder to your meals. Or add ginger tea to your daily routine. It is an easy ingredient to bring into your life. Even though it looks expensive, a little goes a long way!