Search engines update their algorithm to improve the search results and better user experience. Google is one of them which has been updating the search algorithm for decades so that users can get relevant, reliable, and quality search results. Google also bring a big algorithm update in 2022 called ‘Google’s a helpful content update’.
It started rolling out and could take up to 2 weeks. You may see significant changes in your website ranking when it will be fully refreshed. Many webmasters are worrying or don’t know how this update can impact website ranking and SEO strategy.
What SEO Changes Do You Need to Do According to Google’s Helpful Content Update
So what does Google say about this update and what can you do to minimize its impact and improve website ranking?
User or Reader First
The first thing about this update is; that the Google algorithm will bring up only those web pages or articles that focus on people-first content. Meaning if you are writing content that will be very helpful for users and satisfying content, that article or web page will show in the top ranking results. So think about users while writing and posting your content online. Try to add more informative and reliable information to the content that actually user is looking for. You can also utilise SEO practices to add additional value.
Don’t create content for Search Engine First
Many link-building purpose-based content writers are writing content for search engines not for users. They just write and add more keywords, less informative content, poor topic idea, automation, and duplicate or spin other’s content. These types of content never rank in the search results because they didn’t follow Google content guidelines. These kinds of content are not unhelpful content.
Ask Yourself
You should ask the following questions yourself before writing or finalizing the content:
- For whom are you writing and what does your website niche? Write content that is relevant to your audience and niche. This means Google will give more value to one niche website.
- Do you have enough depth of knowledge, experience, and expertise to write that particular content? Have you actually used a product or service, or visited a place?
- Will the visitor get satisfied when they will read your content and don’t need to go elsewhere to complete their goal?
- Are you writing reliable and trusted content that is not misleading to the people?
- Is your article 100% unique, with no grammar and spelling errors? Double-check your content uniqueness using a plagiarism checker and grammar checker tools.
Same Things Happening Again
Google also suggests that the content writer should not write the content on the same topics that have already been written or added to your site. Avoid overlapping, duplicate, or redundant articles on similar or same topics with slightly unique keyword variations. There are tons of content already present on the web. If you also write on the same topic, your content may never come up in the search results because many people have already given information about that similar topic. So try to create content topics that are unique and have low competition.
Content Writing with your own mind and experience
Many content writers, what do? They just open tother’s existing articles link and read some paragraph and convert it to in other own words. They don’t use their own thoughts or expertise to create such content. It is also some type of content duplicate issue which is not easy to recognize. But new Google helpful content updates will not give any value to such pages or articles.
Other Things that Google Mentioned in the update
- Don’t claim or publish unconfirmed content.
- Don’t write an article on the same topic that has already been written thousands of times.
- Don’t use AI or automated content generator tools
- We don’t give preference to a particular word count.
- Do your article offers original content or information, original research, original reporting, or original analysis?
- Build one website for one category or topic.