B2B eCommerce Platforms That Help Grow Your Businesses

B2B eCommerce Platforms

If you’re thinking about starting an eCommerce business, you may wonder which tools suit your needs. There are many different types of B2B ecommerce platforms out there because every company has different needs. For example, if you sell one product, you make it yourself. If you want to market it directly through your website without managing inventory or dealing with third-party sellers – like on Amazon or eBay — then a storefront solution would work best for you.

If, instead, you want to sell multiple products at once – say books, electronics, and clothing – via third-party channels like these two popular marketplaces do but also want some control over how those products are presented to customers online (such as price or descriptions). A shopping cart platform might be more appropriate. Here’s what else makes each type unique.

eCommerce platforms focus on selling to businesses rather than consumers

As you may have noticed, eCommerce platforms focus on selling to businesses rather than consumers. This is because they’re designed for large enterprises and have many features you might not need or want in your industry.

If your company is looking for an eCommerce solution with a wide range of options and capabilities, these solutions are great options. However, suppose you’re just starting as an entrepreneur or small business owner and need more experience working with complex software systems. In that case, looking elsewhere for something more flexible to meet your needs without breaking the bank (or taking up too much time) is best.

Solutions like Salesforce, Oracle, and others are designed for large enterprises and have many features you might not need or want in your business.

Solutions like Salesforce, Oracle, and others are designed for large enterprises and have many features you might not need or want in your business.

They’re great if your company wants to manage customer relationships, run an eCommerce store, or create an employee database. These solutions can be expensive, but they also have access to a massive library of add-on apps that make it easy to customize your solution.

eCommerce platforms focus on selling to businesses rather than consumers (though some offer consumer-friendly sites). They’re designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses that sell online – think Etsy or Shopify – so they’re easier to use than other solutions out there.

Your products and services will determine whether you need an online storefront, a shopping cart platform, or both

Your products and services will determine whether you need an online storefront, a shopping cart platform, or both. A simple shopping cart may suffice if your business sells a few products online.

However, you have many items to sell or are constantly adding new ones to the site. In that case, it’s essential to have an easily customizable backend that allows for quick updates and easy management of inventory levels.

There are two main types of eCommerce platforms to consider when building your online presence: storefronts and shopping carts

There are two main types of eCommerce platforms to consider when building your online presence: Storefronts and shopping carts.

A storefront is typically used by smaller companies that sell a single product, such as a book or album. It’s an easy way to get started with eCommerce, but there may be limitations on what you can do with it. For example, you might need help using advanced features like dynamic pricing based on customer location or selling multiple items at once (like an ebook bundle).

Shopping carts are typically used by larger companies with complex sales processes and many products in their inventory – think Amazon or Walmart – but small businesses can still benefit from using them too.

This platform will allow you more freedom when it comes time to set up payment options; allowing customers flexibility in how they pay; allowing them discounts based on previous purchases; and allowing them coupons from third-party websites. The list goes on.

Organizations commonly use storefronts with a more limited inventory list

They want to market their product to customers through their website without selling through third-party channels like Amazon or eBay.

Firms commonly use storefronts with a more limited inventory list. They want to market their product to customers through their website without selling through third-party channels like Amazon or eBay. Storefronts allow businesses to engage in eCommerce without complex integrations and APIs, making it easier for companies with smaller budgets to start selling online.

Storefronts also offer customization options that aren’t available on other platforms, such as custom logos and HTML templates that can be uploaded by the merchant directly from within their dashboard (rather than having them create it themselves). This makes it easier for merchants who don’t know how code works yet still want their storefronts to look professional while still being able to maintain control over what appears there.

Shopping carts are typically used by companies wanting to sell multiple products simultaneously, such as books, electronics, and clothing, via third-party distribution channels such as those mentioned above (eBay, Amazon).

Shopping cart platforms have many features you might not need or want if you sell one or two items. However, a shopping cart will benefit your business if you plan on selling more than ten products in your store and want an easy way for customers to check out without waiting for each item separately.

If your goal is creating an online presence with no inventory management functionality needed beyond adding new products through the admin panel or CMS (content management system), then a storefront platform would probably be better suited for this task instead of a full-fledged eCommerce solution like Shopify Plus or Bigcommerce Advanced which would require additional setup steps before being able to sell anything online.

There are many different kinds of eCommerce platforms out there because every company has different needs

There are many different kinds of eCommerce platforms out there because every company has different needs. B2B eCommerce platforms are designed for businesses selling to other businesses, and they offer features like:

  • Sales management software that helps you track your sales pipeline and keep your team on track with the latest updates
  • Automated email marketing campaigns that help build brand awareness by sending targeted messages to customers at critical points in their purchasing journey
  • Integrated payments so that you can accept credit cards or other forms of payment directly from your website


If you’re looking for an eCommerce platform, it’s essential to consider the type of product you want to sell and how much traffic will be coming to your site. The best way to do this is by researching your competitors’ websites and seeing their solutions. This will help inform your decision about whether it also makes sense for your business needs.

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