How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint When Using Tetra Pak Containers

Reduce-Carbon-FootprintThe chances are that you are most likely using a Tetra Pak while purchasing milk, juice, water, and other liquids. Tetra Pak is dominating the packaging industry with its sturdy packs. The packages protect the taste and nutritional value of the product.

When these containers do not undergo recycling, it soon increases the carbon footprint. Fortunately, you can reduce your carbon footprint when using Tetra Pak containers in the following ways:

Find the Right Local Recycling Centers

Not every local recycling center takes up the difficult task of recycling Tetra Pak containers. The global recycling rate of Tetra Pak was 26% in 2018. You can look for the right local recycling centers online.

If your area undertakes Tetra Pak recycling, you can place your Tetra Pak containers in your regular recycling bins. They do not require any special sorting. The local recycling center then processes the packaging.

However, some recycling centers may ask you to sort your Tetra Pak containers. Follow their instructions to sort them correctly.

Ship Your Tetra Pak Containers

Are there no recycling centers that recycle Tetra Pak containers in your locality? Make sure not to give up and throw them in your regular garbage bins. You can always ship your Tetra Pak containers to the recycling facilities that accept them.

Your extra effort goes a long way in reducing your carbon footprint. You can save around 30 Tetra Pak containers and ship them to a compatible recycling center.

You may also encourage your community to do the same. It becomes easier to save shipping costs if everyone pitches in.

Contact Local Waste Management

You can contact the local waste management division and request them to add Tetra Pak. You may also reach out to the Tetra Pak company and request them to partner with a local recycling center.

However, receiving approvals and setting up recycling units for Tetra Pak containers can take very long. You can ship your Tetra Pak containers until then.

Place the Straw in the Container

Tetra Pak is recyclable efficiently at most recycling centers. However, some Tetra Pak containers also come with a straw. Put the straw back in the container after you clean it. If your Tetra Pak has a screw cap, re-attach the cap. In this way, the straws and screw caps do not get lost.

Small pieces usually separate in most recycling facilities during mechanical sorting. They discard straws and screw caps instead of recycling them. By placing them in the Tetra Pak or re-attaching them, you can avoid such instances.


You can repurpose your Tetra Pak containers. Their waterproof and durable nature makes them beneficial. Use a Tetra Pak container to hold your paintbrushes, crayons, or organize buttons and small items.

You may also reuse it as bird feeders or planters. Ensure to wash them thoroughly before reusing them.

Tetra Pak containers may be difficult to recycle. However, you can make sure to reduce your carbon footprint by using Tetra Pak containers in the above ways. It helps in protecting the environment.

Tetra Pak recyclable and produces a lesser carbon footprint than plastic, glass, and steel containers. However, most recycling centers do not recycle Tetra Pak. Its numerous layers of paperboard, aluminum, and polyethylene make it challenging to recycle.

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