Indian Wedding Traditions Your Professional Photographer Should Know

Indian Wedding PhotographerSo much goes into an Indian wedding and the photographer should understand these small details. These traditions make the ceremony unforgettable and distinctively remarkable. The best way to bring out the glitz and glamour of your wedding is through the photographs. You need a wedding photographer who understands all related traditions to capture excitement and activities. The photographer doesn’t have to be necessarily Indian but needs acquaintance with Indian wedding traditions and rituals. This ensures that the photographer doesn’t miss the essence of the function.

An Indian wedding is an elaborate and grand affair but with some complications. With so much to handle in a limited period, you need a photographer experienced with Indian weddings. This allows exceptional time management while capturing the beautiful memories on your big day. An Indian wedding can last about 5 days with various moments for the photographer to capture. Various photographers have come up with new-age ideas which complement today’s age of social media, off lately a new trend of wedding hashtags have been trending, photographers use websites such as wedding tag maker to generate cool wedding hashtags to go with the bride and groom’s candid pictures. This explains why you need someone with appropriate experience and special talent to make a lovely compilation of candid shots.

Photographer requirements on an Indian wedding

The ideal photographer to handle an Indian wedding notes all the little details. Capturing all special moments of this wedding is not for someone who has never handled a similar function before. Marriages are made in heaven and the right photographer captures the moment on earth. Your photographer should have what it takes to take beautiful photos during an Indian wedding. This requires a deeper understanding of customs and traditions associated with this ceremony.

An Indian wedding is a combination of various customs and rituals backed by endless fun moments. The ceremony indicates a new beginning for the couple in the union. This extends beyond the couple but their families and distant relatives with the various moments that foster the new relationship. Every community has unique cultures and traditions. So, you need a professional photographer offering appropriate Asian wedding cinematography packages backed with an understanding of ceremonial traditions.

Indian wedding traditions photographers should know


An Indian wedding usually lasts about three days with a host of ceremonies. Misri is the first ceremony that happens some days before the wedding. This tradition involves the parents of the groom giving the bride rocking sugar to portray blessings for a sweet future. The couple exchanges flower garlands, gold rings, and prayers.

Sangeet party

There is no Indian wedding without dancing. The Sangeet party is a night full of dance. Women get together to have fun through song and dance. This ceremony can be held separately or combined with the Mehendi ceremony. The families of the bride and groom attend this party or can be attended by women alone.


Also known as Henna, this ceremony happens a day before the wedding ceremony. It is an opportunity for Indian women to celebrate love and life with designs drawn on the feet and hands. A day before the wedding, the bride and some female relatives adorn themselves with henna patterns. These illustrate love shared between the bride-to-be and the future husband. The groom’s family gives the bride gifts and flowers on this day.

Haldi ceremony

This ceremony happens on the morning of the wedding. The intimate ceremony involves the groom and the bride’s family gifting the couple some clothes. These spread oil, water, and turmeric over the couple’s skin. It is a blessing to calm them down while moisturizing their skin before the couple’s big day.


The ceremony marks the traditional Indian wedding under a four-pillared canopy from where they exchange vows. This is exquisitely decorated with cloth and flowers having bright colors to complete the ceremony. The mandap is a covered tent with pillars to serve as the altar for an Indian wedding. Its four pillars represent the four parents who worked hard to raise the bride and groom.

Laaja Homam

Towards the end of the wedding ceremony, the bride’s brother offers rice to wish the groom a long life and the proliferation of their family. The bride can’t offer the rice using her hands and her brother or close male relatives do the task. Some rice that slips into the groom’s hands cupped below that of the bride goes into sacred fire known as Agni.


Unlike regular weddings where the couple exchange rings, the groom ties a Mangalsultra on the bride’s neck during a Hindu wedding. Mangalsultra is a black and gold pendant necklace the groom ties with three knots to mark the 100-year strong bond. This necklace symbolizes love, good luck, and friendship. The Mangalsutra is significant during a Hindu wedding ceremony where the couple commits to each other.

Bottom line

When selecting a photographer for your wedding, you need one with experience handling Indian weddings. This ceremony includes various ceremonies significant for the wedding. Your photographer should know the various traditions of an Indian wedding. This allows taking candid shots to create lifelong memories of your big day.

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