Millennial travellers love to live a luxury, enjoyable and comfortable life. We reported the following facts and stats about the Millennial travelers
Millennials are the generation born between 1980 and 2000. They will shape the future of travel as the largest generation to date. Almost 3 in 4 expect to go on a dream holiday in the future.
- 86% travel to experience a new culture.
- 50% more likely to have traveled for business in the past 2 years than people over 35.
- 9% say they are influenced by a reward program when booking and only 1/3 worry about whether accommodation they book is within their company’s budget.
- However, 42% of younger Millennials also travel to reduce stress.
- More than 3 in 4 choose a travel location based on friend’s. recommendations.
Research and Book Habits
- 85% check multiple travel sites for the best deals
- 82% consider online travel reviews important before booking accommodation
- 74% look for travel information on mobile devices and 57% value high-speed broadband over good food.
49% Make travel bookings using phones and tablets.
Preferences and Paid Extras
- They want to stay connected while traveling. 60% will pay for in-flight WiFi.
- Convenience is key. 75% will pay for premium services. Example baggage tracking or rental car pickup.
- Luxury accommodation is preferred. 58% prefer full-service hotels.
- Only 11% prefer owner-direct rentals e.g. Airbnb.
Technology and Social Media
- More than 1 in 2 Millennials have posted a photo/video of their holiday on social media while they were on holiday.
- Excited about better access to technology in rooms and the BYOD concept.
- Mobile-friendly websites and decent Wi-Fi are a must.
- A good night’s sleep is always important.
Travel Apps
- Millennials are more excited about new technological innovations than their older counterparts, including – new room technologies, apps and mobile platforms and wider ranges of ways to book online.
- 3 in 4 Millennials have travel apps on their phones.
- Less than 1 in 2 non-Millennials have the same.
Self Service
- More than 1 in 3 Millennial travellers use self-check-in and check-out options.
- Less than 1 in 5 non-Millennials use the same.
Personalisation and Loyalty
- Almost 1in 2 are willing to give personal data to online travel agents if they could get relevant special offers in return.
- 4 in 5 want a service that sends holiday recommendations based on their preference and budget.
- More than 1 in 2 joined a loyalty program because it was easy to sign up.
- 1 in 3 stays with the loyalty program where they have gotten the most added value. E.g. upgrades, discounts, and freebies.
In short…
Millennials are still young, and their travel trends and preferences will change as they grow older, the trick for the travel industry is to stay ahead of the curve. They are all about high expectations, community, sharing interconnected, spontaneous, fickle, diversity and eco-conscious.