There is a very good chance you aren’t just bumping into this question. In fact, the conventional belief gives the answer off as an echoing ‘YES! It is.’ Well, there are contrasting sides to this when it comes to placing side-by-side chocolate and your oral wellness.
Over the years, dentists often exclaim the detrimental aftermath of gnawing on excess sugar like in sweets. While chocolate fits well in this category of extreme sugar saturation, by default, it means you should abstain from it. Even though this emphasis hasn’t waned, most people, especially the younger populace nevertheless still find it hard to fight their chocolate obsession.
If you don’t know why this general belief is firmly upheld, here it is. When you eat too much sugar, like in your sticky milk chocolate or sweet, remnants hang around in your teeth. The bacteria present in your mouth have an affinity for this and immediately feed on them. While feeding, these bacteria release some acidic substances, creating a toxic tooth environment. These acids have wearing effects on your tooth enamel if not neutralized or counter-balanced.
Finally, it leads to tooth decay and cavities.
Right! Sugar is the lure that leads to some eventual oral damage. But does this then mean all chocolates are bad? It’d surprise you to know that the dark chocolate type stomps on this public consensus. It defies the common rule. With some promising findings in various countries across North America, Europe, and Asia, dark chocolates have even been more certified for consumption.
Why is dark chocolate the tooth-friendly one of all? How about you rephrase that to what ingredients it contain and others don’t? Dark chocolate is an antioxidant-based food product, primarily made from cocoa bean husk. This helps to knock off the disadvantageous effects of sugar and feeding bacteria.
Moreover, dark chocolate also contains some raw chemicals like Theobromine, Flavonoids, and polyphenols that protect against oral bacteria. Some studies have even shown that the effects of these nutritional agents can be more potent than Fluoride. Also, it has been said to reduce the occurrences of heart diseases and cancers.
Dentist Arana hills and a few oral experts have come to succumb to a unanimous decision for the ‘Chocolate is a must’ folks. Eat it all up at a go. This is to limit the number of sequential acid attacks on your teeth. You can opt for chocolate as an after-meal treat. Furthermore, freezing your chocolate is advised against. It can lead to some injuries to your teeth, veneers, crowns, etc.
As much as you’d like to hear some encouragement for your chocolate eating habit, the healthwise end isn’t as rosy. Again, it’s good to clarify that sugar has good health benefits. However, grazing on excess is not recommended. Other healthy oral options include veggies, fruits, and so on.
Is chocolate bad for your teeth, or not? It’s a good thing you can now answer explicitly with the in-depth knowledge you’ve gained in this article.