Let’s face it, nobody wants permanently red skin, especially when it’s associated with the embarrassing, visible blemishes of rosacea. More than two million Canadians suffer from this common skin condition. Although there is no known cure, there are many ways in which you can reduce the severity of the problem.
Having a red, inflamed face can seriously undermine a person’s confidence, with nearly three-quarters of sufferers having reported low self-esteem due to the condition. Below, are some suggestions to help you manage to live with rosacea. However, if you suspect you are suffering from rosacea, you should, in the first instance, consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Causes of rosacea
Medics are not certain as to the causes of rosacea, but it may be a combination of genetic and environmental factors: a family history of rosacea is considered a risk factor.
There are four forms of the condition: mild, moderate, severe, and ocular (affecting the eyes and eyelids). It typically develops between the ages of 30 and 50, and it is more prevalent in females than males. You can find more information on the causes of rosacea online.
The best thing you can do to help yourself is to keep a diary and make a note of possible triggers. This could include notes on temperature fluctuations, weather conditions, food and drink consumed, and any reactions to cosmetics and toiletries. Once you know the triggers, you can be more active in avoiding them. It’s also beneficial to chart your moods and any stresses in your everyday life. Over time, you may be able to see a pattern relating to your habits and external factors such as exercise and the products used. If you make an appointment to see a doctor or skin specialist, be sure to take your diary with you to discuss the possible triggers for your condition.
Once you know what triggers your rosacea, then you can make efforts to eliminate, or reduce, the exposure wherever possible.
You could also try the topical best eczema cream to see if it can manage the inflammation. For example, Mirvaso topical gel 0.33% can help to reduce the redness associated with rosacea for up to 12 hours.
Be kind to your skin: avoid harsh chemicals and stick to mild soap and natural products wherever possible. Men may benefit from switching to an electric razor and avoiding harsh astringents after shaving.
Be kind to yourself too. Some sufferers find that gentle facial massage can help their condition just as a body massage can reduce overall stress.
If you would like to meet other rosacea sufferers online, the National Rosacea Society has a wealth of information including entries on raising awareness of the condition, education, and research.
Don’t suffer alone, reach out to your doctor and other rosacea sufferers and face the world with renewed confidence. With some self-help strategies and a treatment plan from your doctor, you’ll soon be feeling in the pink.