Need Assisted Living

Signs that a Family Member Might Need Assisted Living

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Need Assisted Living

Sometimes, the best decisions are the hardest at first. This old saying becomes a difficult fact to accept when someone in need of assisted living conditions comes to realize the same. It’s an even harder piece of truth to deal with when the affected senior is not in a condition to make that decision for themselves, and the responsibility falls on family members instead.

Signs that a Family Member Might Need Assisted Living Conditions to Remain in Good Health

Either way, a starting point would be to first determine whether the person in question really is in need of constant monitoring and assistance. After all, this does not apply universally to everyone who is old and people age differently, depending on their genetics and lifestyle. This brings us to the all-important signs that both seniors and their family members should be aware of.

Alzheimer’s and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

Alzheimer’s can be a cruel disease for not just the person afflicted, but also for everyone living with the person. If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or any other neurodegenerative disease, you should start mentally and practically preparing yourself for what is to come. The disease can still be slowed down and the associated health impacts can be greatly controlled if the patient is moved to an assisted living facility that’s equipped to provide the care they need.

For example, the Memory Care Program at the Eureka nursing home from McKnight Place is designed especially for patients with any kind of neurodegenerative disease, including Alzheimer’s. It acts to both slow down neurodegeneration among their residents, as well as provide them with the kind of care they need to stay mentally and physically healthy, given the circumstances.

Debilitations that Impact Health & Wellbeing

Gradual degradation of the human body is, unfortunately, an inevitability. Therefore, it is not an issue if someone becomes less efficient, loses speed, forgets things sometimes, and loses a few of their coordination skills with age. However, if any of those issues begin to affect the person’s health and wellbeing beyond acceptable levels, that is a sign they need assisted living conditions.

Note that the difference is in degree and impact, rather than kind. For example, if you are finding it difficult to go on your daily walks to a point where it becomes painful, that needs at least some degree of medical and living assistance. However, if you find yourself struggling to go to the toilet or clean out the garbage, it’s time to consider more professional care options.

Depersonalization and Dementia

Dementia can be indicative of several neurodegenerative diseases and not just Alzheimer’s. This is the main reason why dementia itself is held as a major sign that the person needs constant care and attention. Depersonalization is a major sign of dementia in older generations and can be characterized by delusions of not being the person that they are. Forgetting one’s own name, age, hobbies, etc. are all signs that the person needs medical attention and professional care.

In case one or more of the signs are there, it is best to act before it’s too late. Whether the patient is you or someone close to you, a decision should be made as early as possible, so that the patient can have a clear say in the matter. Once the debilitative conditions progress to advanced stages, preventing bodily harm, accidents, or worse at home may not be possible.

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