Top 5 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ on Father’s Day

Say I Love You on Father Day

Finding the right way to convey your love for your dad can feel challenging. You want to find a way to say you love him that will touch his heart.

Yet, how can you do so? Through his love language!

Love languages aren’t a concept limited to romantic partners. It can apply to friends and family, and in this case – dad.

Find the best way to express your love for your dad this Father’s Day by seeing the top five ways you can do so based on the five types of love languages!

Acts of Service

You might not realise how much your dad has done for you. From helping you move out to giving you a lift when you need it, dad has your back to help you with whatever. In these ways, he communicates his love for you through acts of service. The safe way is by taking any stressful work off his shoulders. Taking up any of his errands or chores are great ways to help out dad. Going out of your way to help your dad shows that you care. For instance, if your dad wanted home repairs, either doing a good job or paying a professional to get it done can mean a lot to him. It can come as a pleasant surprise to say I love you too dad in a big way!

Receiving Gifts

Sometimes a special gift can make someone glow. Have you noticed your dad eyeing anything in particular? Depending on your dad’s taste, you can find what he would appreciate the most. If he’s more of a sports guy, you can easily find any memorabilia related to his favourite team. However, if you want to go above and beyond, you can consider giving him various goodies by ordering a Father’s Day gift basket. The beauty behind giving him a gift basket is that you can easily put all his favourite treats and items in one place! Show your love for dad by giving him a gift that you know he will love and appreciate. After all, a gift can be a long-lasting way to say I love you that he will never forget!

Physical Affection

Are you struggling to find a way to say I love you? If so, you don’t need to worry too much about that. If your dad is more on the affectionate side, a simple, loving hug is sufficient enough. In this way, a hug can say so much more than a few words. As they say, ‘actions speak louder than words,’ which your dad would most likely understand what you’re trying to tell him. After all, a hug is a universal way to say to another person that you cherish and care for them. You can easily say I love you to your dad with a hug, and he will get the message loud and clear without you saying a single word!

Quality Time

Bonding with your dad on Father’s Day is a great way to celebrate and an opportunity for you two to bond one-on-one. It can sometimes be hard to make time for one another with our hectic lives, but making time for him can mean the world. To get the most out of your time together, consider going out to places he likes or doing activities he enjoys. Does your dad enjoy catching the game at his local pub? If so, treat him to some drinks and food there while chatting. Quality time together is one of the best ways to say I love you too dad because it can make him feel special that you’re taking an active interest in his passions and thoughts. It’s moments like those your dad will remember the most!

Words of Affirmation

How can you let your dad know that you love him? By telling him, of course! It’s direct, but it gets your point across about how you feel about him. Hearing the words out loud can mean so much to your dad. However, if saying it out loud is difficult, you can always opt for expressing how you feel through the written word. For example, you can write a poem dedicated to him. It’s a great way to pour your heart into how much you love him and speak to him as a person. If your dad is more sentimental, you can bet that he will be beyond touched by your words and might even cry. Now that’s a surefire way of telling him that you love him!

Hopefully, as you went through all five ways you can say I love you too dad, you’re able to find the love language that suits him best and express your love to him in the best way possible this Father’s Day!

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