3 Ways to Keep Track of Personal Finances Records

Keep Track of Personal Finances

People have been keeping records of household and business expenses for ancient times. In the past, people write their financial expenses in a notebook and ledger. It was totally written by hand using an ink pen. It was not an easy task because the accountant have to write down and keep every record without any mistakes. People also use a ledger or notebook to write down their household financial records.

But now the time has changed. Digital technology and computer have replaced the ledger and notebook that was used to write down financial transactions. The benefits of keeping financial records help you understand the finances and keep better records of your incoming and outgoing money, financial plans for future purposes, help in emergency situations and personal finances help you start planning for retirement.

There are a lot more advantages to keeping track of personal financial records which can make your life easier and better financial planning for future expenses. But it is not easy to keep every personal transaction. It may be a few cents or many dollars expenditure. So you need a right and secure software platform where you can keep all the financial records and access them anytime, anywhere.

Best way to keep track of personal finances

In the digital and technical world following are the best ways to keep track of finances.


Many people have been using Excel spreadsheets to keep their personal financing records for many years. Excel is a free application, easy to use, very effective, able to analyze large amounts of data, logical spreadsheets and charts, and easy to access from anywhere. You can use it on your personal computer, smartphone, or tablet. Excel allows us to manipulate, analyze, and manage data. You can perform small to big projects on Excel. Many small to large business use Excel to track and manage their financial activities.

Accounting software

If you want more easier and efficient tools, accounting software is best for it. Many people use them for personal to business requirements because of cloud portability, real-time data access, easy invoicing, minimal data errors, inventory tracking, time-saving, automating processes, generating reports in graphic format, and organizing your records. But most of the real accounting software is not free. You may have to purchase accounting software.  The accounting software provides you with more functionality such as billing and invoicing, payroll management system, printable & download your check stub creator, and Time and expense management

Accounting Apps

Accounting apps are best for keeping track of personal finances because most of the person don’t have a laptop or personal computer, they can run accounting software and applications on their smartphone. So accounting apps are very easy to use and easy to access anytime from your smartphone or tablet. You can manage and analyze different accounting tasks and transactions, view upcoming bills, set up automated payments, simplify data entries, and have easy and convenient processes. But choose an app wisely and don’t delete the app data from the smartphone memory because the app data could not recover again.

So these were the three ways that most people are using to keep records of their personal finances. If you choose accounting software and applications to track your personal finances, never forget to take daily or weekly backups of your financial records. Who knows when your device or software program gets a bug and disaster?

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