6 Common Industries That Use Lenticular Printing Applications

Lenticular Printing ApplicationsLenticular printing is loved for its interesting display concepts when used to make marketing materials for advertising campaigns. The display effects of lenticular printing send particular messages to the target market according to your advertising concept. You just have to contact a reputable lenticular printing company with a creative team for marketing materials to give you good return on investment.

Application of lenticular printing in various industries

Instore branding

When planning to enhance the decor in a store, museum, or restaurant, you can’t go wrong with lenticular printing. Your space needs to be attractive and impressive to potential buyers. So, you have to employ various decorative styles and elements to make your space stand out. Opt for 3D printed panels to create a moving effect on the ceilings, walls, and floors. These can display images in different flips.

Shoppers are likely to be impressed by your in-store experience and are likely to spread the word around about your store. The right company will consider factors like the point of sale when handling your project. This allows coming up with striking and creative designs that can’t go unnoticed. Quality lenticular panels and assembling by experts will make a significant difference in your project. The panels are work individually or multiple units with various finishes to match your décor.

Billboard advertising

Another way to benefit from 3D lenticular printing service is for billboard advertising. Using large glass billboards with lenticular panels allows a moving display of your image or message as pedestrians pass by. The company develops lenticular elements on an appropriate scale before placing them in the billboards. These are installed in busy locations for exposure. The interactive action of the billboard makes a great impact on everyone passing nearby for true advertising success to meet your brand expectations.

The lenticular printing agency will create billboards that cause surprise, impact, and sympathy in everyone who observes them. This is the moment for you to join major brands in embracing this printing technique for in-depth advertising campaigns. Lenticular effects are highly interactive to cause viewer action and response towards your ad. This makes your advertising message to stick in the minds of the viewers.

Medical marketing

In the medical industry, companies including hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and medical practices can harness lenticular printing to spread their messages. A good idea is the use of lenticular postcards during direct mail promotions. These mailers go to doctors and hospitals make direct mails to consumers. This has a good return on investment for its proven response.

Additionally, hospitals can use large format lenticular printing to create eye-catchy messages. These are displayed in malls for their outstanding ability to catch customers’ attention. A beautiful large format lenticular billboard is hard to miss helping to get your message out to a larger audience.

Fashion marketing

Lenticular printing applies to various objects and format including in the fashion industry. This leads to adding a futuristic and technological touch to garments and accessories including sneakers and caps. Designers can opt for lenticular when creating various designs for the runway. Lenticular material is also harnessed to create men’s shoes and accessories for its remarkable design and originality. Top sports brands including Nike and Adidas have harnessed lenticular material in some of their collections.

Film covers

Using lenticular printing is a wonderful way to promote a new movie with a moving effect. Producers of movies like the latest Transformers used lenticular printed posters. These portray the transformation effect of characters like Bumblebee. Lenticular printing has can create a significant visual impact on customers for effective engagement. Other movies that embraced lenticular in their packaging include:

  • Saw
  • Batman
  • Star Wars
  • Terminator 2
  • Predator
  • The Hobbit

Lenticular printing invites fantasy and imagination to create multiple creative spaces through visual storytelling. The printing process creates extraordinary effects to stimulate and fascinate the target market. This makes movie lovers love the movie and related merchandising that add value to the movie.

Art in motion

Various artists have experimented with depth, visual games, and perspectives. Lenticular printing is done on the lenses of interlocking images. This simulated a depth feeling allowing seeing the images moving from various angles. The application of lenticular printing in the art industry introduces motion to pieces. This dates back to 1930 with the first lenticular art paintings by Victor Anderson. To date, artists can use lenticular printing to give their works a psychedelic character. A wonderful example is the Queen Elizabeth II portrait called “Lightness of Being” by Chris Levine in 2004

Wrapping up

In the highly competitive market today, creativity is supreme. When creating marketing material for your advertising campaign, lenticular printing is a great option. This method stands above others for creating materials with a motion effect. You can harness the power of lenticular printing in the medical industry, art, film cover, instore decoration, and billboard advertising. The various motion effects in lenticular printing make it hard for people to ignore your materials.

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