One of the common things said about the global pandemic due to COVID-19 is that it has brought the best and worst out of people. So many people were ready to help the less fortunate – paying for their groceries and providing free car rides. This happened while others hoarded products, leaving very little to nothing for others to buy.
The world is not yet out of the woods, however, many believe that it’s not too early to start making plans for a much better life – be a better person and improve one’s lifestyle – when this situation is over. Included in these plans is developing a strong mindset. After all, this has proven to be among the best defenses to the setbacks created by the COVID-19 situation, and it is certainly something to maintain for the long-term.
If a healthy mindset is something you want to have, especially when things go back to normal, provided here are life coaches’ six tips that you can use.
1. Remember, everybody is valuable, so be kind.
Who would have thought most blue-collar workers would be the front-liners during these challenging times? These are people who are often overlooked or taken for granted by many. Yet, it’s their output that the general masses rely on to keep them safe.
Even if you have always been grateful to these people, the global pandemic should prompt you to go a little extra in demonstrating to these people you care. Say thank you, greet them good morning/afternoon/evening, ask them how they are, direct a smile in their direction, and really – just acknowledge them.
But, do not just show kindness to people you deem valuable – do so with everybody else. After all, it doesn’t take much to be kind, yet it can have a great impact on someone. A lot of problems will cease to exist by making kindness a widespread movement.
2. Physical health is wealth.
If there’s anything that the global health crisis should teach everyone, it’s how a strong immune system and overall good health are the best defenses for the deadliest diseases. Therefore, be serious about your physical health and make it a lifetime habit.
While being healthy doesn’t mean that you’ll be impervious to severe illnesses, it can often mean that you’ll recover from getting sick faster, however. Thus, launch into a health program now – maybe even sign up for personal training provided by a fitness facility. This way, once mobility restrictions are lifted, you already have a focused fitness program that will keep the body strong and more resistant to illnesses.
3. Make it a commitment to bring happiness and joy to your life.
Life is short – don’t waste time being sad and blue too often. Create moments to bring you happiness and joy. For example, get together more with the people who bring happiness to your life. Take them to a nearby beach club, have brunch there, utilize the impressive amenities offered, and participate in events such as a beach club party. Have fun with each other, and create beautiful memories. Or, make yourself happy by fulfilling simple dreams such as finally learning how to bake your own bread, or adopting rescued animals.
When cultivating joy, on the other hand, this is a disposition and not based on circumstances. It is the fruit of believing that no matter how difficult times are, they will come to pass, and everything will fall into its proper place. One way you can bring more joy to your life is by strengthening your faith through spiritual exercises.
Happiness and joy do not always come naturally. But, with conscientious and consistent efforts, your life can abound with them.
4. Practice gratitude.
Gratitude is a way of life and it fuels hope. How can you be more grateful?
If you are of a particular faith, use your prayer time to express gratitude. Another thing that you can do is to start a gratitude journal. Write down all the things you’re thankful for, no matter how trivial some of those may seem.
But don’t think too hard about it. Make it come naturally for you. Say, you end up driving by a beach, thank the universe that there is that beautiful beach that promises fun on ideal weather days.
Maybe even express appreciation for the car (even if it’s just a long-term car lease ) that you have, which allows you to get to places you need to go and not rely on public transportation. And, don’t forget to thank those people who love you by treating them out to lunch or giving them a card or letter that expresses your feelings.
With these easy practices for gratitude, you will realize that life is still good and there’s so much to live for even amid such a strange situation.
5. Cooperation results in good things.
This is a vital lesson to remember all the days of your life. Aligning yourself with good causes or movements can bring an end to numerous problems. With the case of limited social activities due to COVID-19, cooperation is one of the keys to preventing the spread and taking the whole world faster to normalcy.
Thus, if there’s a call for cooperation to achieve a goal that will yield macro-benefits, learn to put aside personal interests, and obey with everybody else. This is often just a temporary sacrifice, after all, and once the goal is achieved, you can go your own way and pursue what you want.
6. Stable finances can impact all aspects of life.
Whether people like to admit it or not, money matters a lot. Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet says, having enough money is critical in making life comfortable, flexible, and devoid of stress. Therefore, bulk up your finances – save as much as you can and have different sources of income. The global pandemic and economic recession have made this money moves more essential than ever, especially with so many business operations suddenly coming to a halt.
However, this doesn’t mean that you have to live your life saving and scrimping all the time. Use your money to create the quality of life you want. Money is for life here on earth – it doesn’t work anywhere else. Thus, don’t feel bad about splurging now and then – just make sure that your splurges will benefit you completely and not financially ruin you.
For example, if you are offered an annual beach club membership and you’re interested, establish how it can bring value to your life. Ask yourself – “Am I committed to a healthy lifestyle?” If yes, then the free access to the club’s fitness center and gym programs will serve your advantage. “Do I frequently eat or hang out with family, friends, and clients for leisure and business?” If yes, you’ll enjoy membership discounts on services and complimentary passes. Those being settled, the beach club membership is worth treating yourself to.
Truly, a healthy mindset is an advantage, so cultivate it, and may the six tips here truly help you manage the current circumstances the world is dealing with and the gradual transition to normalcy.