Living your best life, you being you, and being body confident are terms we hear across social media and the internet all the time. Each phrase is true and can be applied in a variety of ways but whichever way we decide to enhance ourselves and our lives it can be worth doing the research first.
We talked to them about the 7 things they think anyone considering lip fillers should consider when starting the procedure.
1. Research your doctor
With so much information available online and the consideration that although lip fillers are not actual surgery you are still making changes to your body. Knowing who you are working with is important. Ensure you go to the clinic and are happy with your doctors, read online reviews, check certifications, and although an online deal may seem enticing – will you pay for it later?
2. Choose your weapon
As little as ten years ago if you wanted fuller lips you went with collagen but like all science, lip fillers now have a number of options. The most common type is hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm and Restylane. If you are looking for a fuller but natural look then you may prefer Restylane, however, if you are looking for that plump pouty look then Juvederm may be a better option. Talk to your Doctor who will give you the best advice.
3. Bigger is not always better
Did you know that you can have more than one session of lip filler? As a non-surgical procedure, you do not need to have the same concerns in getting it right the first time. It is important to communicate with your doctor as to what you would like the end result to be and they can advise you on how to proceed.
But bare in mind that if the results are not big or firm enough you can always opt to increase in a second appointment.
4. Get filler ready
So you know what you want, how big you want and of course, you want one of the doctors from Azthetics in Bristol for your lip fillers. It is important to be ready for your appointment so a week before we suggest that you avoid taking any paracetamol or ibuprofen but also multivitamins or vitamin e. The reason being that they can thin your blood and as a result cause additional bruising after your appointment.
We suggest you look to take Arnica tablets which is a homeopathic remedy that helps with bruising and swelling – it can be taken pre and post-procedure.
5. Quick and easy does it
Not only is the impact of the procedure immediate it is also a very quick procedure taking only around an hour. The process can be uncomfortable and you will experience some pain so grabbing a lip fill in your lunch hour wouldn’t be advised. Your lips won’t be Insta ready straight away as there will be some bruising and swelling but you will only be around 3 days away from a perfect pout.
6. Feel the full effect, see the full effect
We cannot stress how following that one-hour appointment you will see the impact of your new lips. If you can bear the pain we advise not using lip numbing cream. The cream can make your lips swell naturally and it can make it harder to judge the real effect of your appointment. It is painful to have the work done but it’s great to see the true results as they happen.
7. You can turn back time
Having spent the time speaking with specialists we have little doubt that you will be happy with the work they do and have a beautiful set of pouting kissable lips. However, it is worth knowing that if you decide years later or sometime later that you would like to remove the procedure then you can, that information may just put you a little bit more at ease and show you how unintrusive the procedure is.