Loss of Libido in Women: 7 Effective Ways to Increase Sex Drive

loss-libido-sex-drive-womenLow sexual desire is often a common condition among menopausal women. Approximately 1 in 3 to 4 middle-aged women have reduced sexual desire or response to sex. Hypoactive sexual desire is another term for low sex drive in women. According to BMJ, women who have a loss of sexual desire does not mean they cannot perform sexual activity. They may engage well in sex. However, loss of libido can be distressing for many women. Women want to satisfy their partners, and they want to feel they are sexually desirable.

Management and Treatment

Loss of desire for sex is multifactorial. Many conditions contribute to reduced libido, but depression, fatigue, and stress are primary culprits. Menopause also plays a notable role in the change of sexual function. Remedial measures for low sex drive in women are primarily cognitive and behavioral approach, which are the following:

1. Rekindle the romance

Regardless of how long you have been together, it is essential to remain passionate and sexy to each other. Stir intimacy in relationships by going out for a candlelight dinner, making meals together, or playing fun games. Do touch your partner. Touch is a potent sex drive.

The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin pinned the sense of touch as having a mediating role in psychological intimacy. Researchers also reveal that couples who touch more often exhibit better mental wellness six months after.

2. Set the stage

If your finances allow, book a holiday. An unfamiliar environment makes sex interesting. Vacation sex is wilder and stimulating. It is because you are relaxed and disengaged from work chores and other responsibilities. Plus, a new surrounding is always exciting. Traveling keeps you closer and connected to your partner, which goes the same with sex. So, dress to impress. Wear that sexy lingerie. And to end, bring the sex toys that you want to try.

3. Take it

Downplay the attention on sex. Take time to be intimate. Enjoy your partner’s company. Also, engage in foreplay. Foreplay readies your mind and body for sexual intercourse. It serves as an appetizer before serving the main course, which is sex. Use tongues – do oral, stimulate nipples. Massage is another thing that can set you (and your partner) in the mood. Never stop being playful. Tickle or cuddle your partner. Don’t rush things; instead, enjoy every moment.

4. Counteract aging

Middle-aged women are more likely to suffer a loss of libido than men. In a specific review, 40 to 55% of women with advanced menopausal status experience low sexual desire. It is then followed by reduced vaginal lubrication and painful sex. While hormonal therapy may help, not all women like the adverse effects that come with it. Performing Kegel exercises and using non-hormonal vaginal support help. Search for Revaree Reviews to learns more information about this type of supplement for women.

5. Eat salubriously and practice a healthy lifestyle

An unhealthy diet and an inactive lifestyle contribute to many diseases and disorders – including sexual health. Additionally, eating particular foods and cutting smoking and drinking alcohol help improve blood circulation to the sex organs.

Not to mention, keeping up healthy habits maintains strong stamina. In terms of what you eat, focus on heart-rich foods and the Mediterranean diet. Avoid meal plans that are fatty- and sugar-rich. Certain foods called aphrodisiacs can help improve libido. Oysters are one of them. Besides, establish a good sleeping pattern for a better mood and boosting energy levels.

Several studies correlate obesity to poor sexual function. In a clinical investigation released by the International Journal of Impotence Research, more than 80% of obese women have sexual dysfunction.

6. Get active

Regular physical activity triggers the release of ”happy hormones” or the endorphins. The hormones are also released during sexual intercourse, masturbation, and other forms of sexual pleasure. Several studies validated that exercise improves sex life.

A finding from Sports Medicine reveals that exercise-induced endorphins contribute to physiological and mental advantages such as better mood, reduced pain perception, and sounder self-confidence.

The American Heart Association recommends 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise every week for healthy adults. Brisk walking, performing any sports like tennis, cycling, dancing, and running are examples of these activities. Find every opportunity to get warm-up even at work. Use stairs instead of the lift; cycle rather than taking the bus; perform stretches on your chair, and many more!

7. Seek couple counseling

Mental health affects relationships – Being anxious and having low self-esteem impinge on bed performance. Talk it out to your family and friends. Speak to trained professionals too. Sexual therapy sessions encourage an open atmosphere where couples identify problems in their relationships that may hinder intimacy.

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, sex therapy also involves learning mindfulness and discusses interventions about physiological issues such as loss of desire and genital pain. Thus, couple counseling does not only resolve sexual problems but also improves relationships.

About Hormonal Replacement

Sex is not a solitary performance but an expression of love. While there is an increasing interest in the use of hormone replacements to address sexual-related issues in menopausal women, not all of them embrace it. There are reports that women are not properly educated and fully informed of the adverse effects of the treatment.

A hormonal replacement has protective benefits. And many health experts recommend hormonal replacement therapy to reduce their symptoms and improve their sexual experience. Despite its strengths, hormonal treatments come with life-threatening complications – cancer and heart attacks, to name a few.


Sexual intervention remains a crucial aspect in addressing sexual-related issues. The measures can be challenging and may take time. However, it is possible to increase sexual pleasure naturally. Women should also be encouraged to talk about it. Open communication is fundamental. Communicate with your partner. Essentially, find support from your healthcare provider. You don’t have to live with it alone. Seek help and be supported.

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