Your heating, ventilation, and ac system is a big part of your home’s cooling and heating. It keeps the air moving properly and prevents dangerous temperatures from building up inside your home. But sometimes it doesn’t work as efficiently as it should. It’s always good to have some knowledge about what could be causing problems with your HVAC system so that you have a little idea about the issue.
Some Common HVAC Problems You Need to Know About
Your AC evaporator doesn’t work
First things first, if your system doesn’t produce any cold air you may want to check if any of the registers on your evaporator are clogged. If you are having trouble keeping your indoor unit at a set temperature, you may want to check if there is anything blocking the airflow into your home. If your air conditioner doesn’t work, you may need to replace the motor or expansion tank. If both are fine, your unit may be defective.
Your furnace and air conditioner don’t work at the same time
Most homes have a two-part HVAC system. The indoor unit is used to keep you warm and the outdoor unit is responsible for cooling you off. If one part of your system fails, you will notice a corresponding increase in the other part’s workload. If your indoor unit also fails, you will notice a corresponding increase in the outdoor unit’s workload as well. This is because the indoor unit is drawing more air, and the outdoor unit is trying to push the stale air out. A good way to check if this is the case is to open up the door of your indoor unit and see if there is a draft. If there isn’t one, your systems are working as expected.
The indoor unit is running too hot or too cold
Some residential HVAC systems may not be maintaining the proper indoor unit temperature. The indoor unit may not be heating or cooling the way it is supposed to. If this is the case, your outdoor unit will have to work harder to overcome the increased indoor unit temperature and will begin to lose efficiency as a result. To fix this, your indoor unit may be located too close to your indoor unit. Or your indoor unit may be running on a low setting when you are outside and not enough air is being drawn from the outside to floor level. To increase the efficiency of your indoor unit, you may want to run it at a higher temperature or change the setting in your outdoor unit to allow more air to be drawn from the outdoors. Another possible reason your indoor unit is running too hot is that it is lacking a dial or reading on the control panel. Make sure the dial or button is functioning properly and that the setting is correct. If your indoor unit is also too cold, your outdoor unit may be running too hot. The dial on your indoor unit may be set too low to allow the outside unit to be turned up to the necessary temperature. To fix this, increase the setting on your indoor unit and/or lower the temperature on your outdoor unit.
Leak somewhere in your home
Leaks are a common problem in residential areas as well as commercial buildings. This is especially true in areas with a Mediterranean climate where humidity is very high and frequent rainfall is the norm. When water seeps into a structure, it can easily transfer its heat energy to the air. In areas with high humidity and frequent rainfall, a leak may not be detected during a normal inspection. As a result, you could face a bill for repairs that you would rather not pay. To find leaks, check for dripping or dribbling noises, visible watermarks on the inside of walls, or other signs of leakage. If a leak is detected, repair it as soon as possible. The longer a leak exists, the more expensive repairs will be.
Don’t forget about ductwork!
Your HVAC system should be connected to your home’s water, sewer, or gas line. This is so airflow can reach the full potential of each pipe. If this is not the case, your system may be underperforming. A simple check-and-replace project is likely to correct the issue. If not, your HVAC system may end up costing you more in the long run. It is a good idea to keep an eye out for signs of structural damage such as water seeping through the foundations or walls. If you notice any of these damages, call the HVAC services professional immediately.