Discover The Most Common Symptoms Of Dental Anxiety

Common Symptoms Dental Anxiety

For many people going to the dentist is something that they need to do every year, even if it isn’t the most enthralling of experiences. However, research suggests that as many as one in six Australian adults experience dental anxiety, making it difficult to get even basic treatment.

Tackling dental anxiety is important to help you look after your teeth into old age.

What Is Dental Anxiety?

In short, dental anxiety is a fear of going to the dentist. There are many reasons why this may be the case, ranging from a fear of what may be found to a fear of needles and injections.

But, delaying dental visits and treatment means an increased risk of complications and oral hygiene issues that could have been avoided. In extreme cases tooth loss results which could have been prevented.

That’s why you need to recognize the symptoms of dental anxiety and tackle them head-on.


Many people with dental anxiety will feel physically sick when they have to book an appointment or are going to see the dentist. In some cases, they are actually sick although it is usually just a feeling of sickness that you can’t get rid of.

Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations are when your heartbeat becomes irregular and misses a few beats. It can also be when your heart is racing, as though you have been exercising hard even when you haven’t.

This can be caused by other things, if you are experiencing palpitations and don’t think you have dental anxiety, you’ll need to visit a doctor.

Inability To Sleep

Dental anxiety is a form of stress. Like so many other things, excess levels of stress are not good for your body. In the first instance, you’ll find it difficult to sleep, especially the night before your appointment.

You may also experience hormone deficiency as your body focuses on producing cortisol, the substance that prepares your body for fight or flight. Its production stops the production of many other hormones.


Fainting generally occurs due to low blood pressure. Before you do anything further you’ll need to confirm your blood pressure is low and if there is any other possible cause.

Fainting by itself is usually harmless. But, when you collapse you do risk injuring yourself in the fall.


You probably already know that nervous people sweat a lot. If you are sweating a lot, and this increases the closer you get to your dental appointment then it is likely to be a sign of dental anxiety.

If you think you are suffering from dental anxiety then you need to search for a dentist near me that understands the issue and can help guide you through the consultation and treatment process.

The Next Steps

The first step is identifying that you are suffering from dental anxiety. You’ll then need to work with a supportive dentist who can help you to realize that the dental process doesn’t have to be painful or scary. This will help you to overcome your anxiety.

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