The Do’s & Don’ts of Basement Remodeling

If you are considering a basement renovation or remodeling project, then you have to take care of a few things. Actually, finishing your basement remodeling is the best way to increase your living space.

You can remodel your basement to increase your living space in different ways and you can use that space for your office or business work as well. You can build your own gym as well in the basement or you can use the basement to increase your storage space as well.Play room in a  white basement living room

Not matter for what purpose you are going to use your basement, there are some Do’s and Don’ts of any basement remodeling project as it is the most important part of any home improvement project.


  • Waterproofing: You should be very careful about any water leakage in the basement. Before you spend thousands of dollars on your basement remodeling project, make it sure that it is dry and it should stay dry all the time. You should take all the precautions about the waterproofing of your basement.
  • Moisture: Moisture is another problem for most of the basement projects. Many basement projects failed because the contractors don’t take care of it. Even if the waterproofing is perfect, there might be some moisture in the walls and joints. If you buy a basement dehumidifier, it will help you to keep the moisture at the minimum level.
  • Ceiling Access: A suspended ceiling is the best choice for any basement finishing project. Most contractors install the electrical cables and plumbing pipes in the ceiling of a basement. It does not the only provider you easy access to the electrical wiring and the pipes, but a suspended ceiling also looks beautiful in the basement.
  • Hire a General Contractor: When you are in a city like Vancouver, you should hire a licensed general contractor for your basement finishing project as the rules in Vancouver BC are very strict. If you don’t hire a professional you will face the legal problems. So, always hire an experienced and licensed contractor for basement renovations Vancouver.basement-remodeling


  • Change Plans: It is not good to change plans. While doing any basement improvement or kitchen renovation project, stick to your original plan. If you change plan during the work, it can cost you thousands of dollars and can also waste a lot of precious time as well.
  • Try Complicated DIY Jobs: Though DIY projects are a great way to save money when it is about the basement, it is a very complicated job. So don’t try complicated DIY jobs as it could be costly in case of a failure. Though you can do a little creative DIY job like you can make some DIY empty paint can planters and can use the plants which are good for indoor use.
  • Ignore Lightening: It is the most important part which many homeowners ignore. But the proper lightening in the basement is very important. If you want your basement to brighten but with minimum electricity bill then you can try LED lights. You must read these 5 brilliant benefits of LED lights.
  • Afraid to Express Yourself: This is your home, this is your basement and you are the one who is going to utilize the basement space for years. So, don’t hesitate to express yourself. Put your ideas in front of your general contractor as you and your family deserve to have your ideal basement place.

So, guys, these are some do’s and don’ts for you to consider while considering a basement renovation project. If you have any other suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us on our Facebook or Twitter.

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