Losing weight has become a big problem and challenge for many people. Whether they don’t follow the right weight loss techniques or they don’t want to lose their body weight. Healthy eating and exercise are key to successful weight loss. Find a balanced diet that suits your needs and preferences
A diet plan is a type of meal plan that is formulated with a specific goal in mind – that usually is to lose weight. Diet plans can also be used to isolate problematic areas and highlight intolerances, such as gluten.
There are a range of diet plans that have been proven to be effective for weight loss. We have detailed information on a wide variety of healthy diets to help you on your weight loss journey.
Free Diet and Meal Plans for weight loss
A full series of meal & diet plans can form the basis for any calorie-controlled diet. These simple step-by-steps will help you to get a handle on what your daily calorie intake should be
How Diet Plans Work
Step 1
Research all Diet Plans with full Diet Plan data, statistics & complete options
Step 2
Digest all Diet Plan information that’s relevant to you personally
Step 3
Take action and review the results note- without taking action for a Diet Plan, the next steps nothing will change.
Weight Loss – Diet Plans
For those looking to use a diet plan to aid weight loss, there are a couple of things you need to know. Firstly, a diet plan that works for one person may not necessarily work for another. It is about finding the right one for you and your lifestyle. Secondly, for any diet plan to be effective and for you to achieve your desired results, ie, weight loss, you need to be prepared to stick to it precisely. This can be tough, especially if it involves removing entire food groups or drastically reducing calorie intake. This is another reason why you need to choose your plan carefully.
Used properly, a diet plan is an effective component of any weight loss program and should be combined with regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Try to stay away from ‘quick fix’ diet plans, which promise extreme results in a short period. Tempting as they may sound, these are not considered to be healthy options as they may not provide all the nutrients that the body needs. You may also find that you regain the weight as soon as you stop. Instead, choose a diet plan that is sustainable as part of a long-term lifestyle change. You will be able to adapt your plan to prevent continued weight loss, once you have achieved your goal.
Low-carb diets
Some of the most popular diets used for weight loss are those that restrict your intake of carbohydrates, including the well-known Atkins diet, the more recently popular keto (ketogenic) diet, and LCHF (low-carb, high-fat).
You should look to cut down on sugar and starchy foods including pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes. Instead, eat more vegetables, and natural fats. These are typically higher in protein, which can help curb your appetite and raise your metabolism, which encourages your body to use more fat as fuel.
Low carb diets are believed to reduce risk factors for heart disease, including high cholesterol and blood pressure.
The Keto diet
Keto is a very low-carb diet, where your net carb intake is limited to just 20-50g per day. You will look to replace carbohydrates with fats, which your body will use for energy, by converting them using a process called ketosis.
A ketogenic diet can induce rapid weight loss as it drastically reduces the calorie intake from carbohydrates. As with other low-carb diets, you should avoid sugary foods, bread, pasta, grains, and starchy vegetables and up your intake of full-fat dairy and cheese, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats such as coconut oil.
Intermittent fasting
More accurately described as an eating pattern rather than a diet plan, intermittent fasting involves splitting your day or week into periods of eating and fasting. By restricting the time that you can eat, rather than what you eat, you will automatically reduce your calorie intake and therefore lose weight – so long as you don’t over-eat during your allowed hours. Intermittent fasting is also believed to improve your metabolism by increasing fat burn while preserving muscle mass.
There are two key types of intermittent fasting: the 16/8 method, which involves limiting your calorie intake to 8 hours per day, and the 5:2 method, outlined in more detail, below.
The 5:2 diet
Otherwise known as The Fast Diet, this is currently the most popular form of intermittent fasting – and it is not hard to see why. There are no restrictions on the types of food you can eat for five days a week. Then, for the other two non-consecutive days, you drastically cut your calories to just 25% of your recommended intake – 500 calories for women and 600 for men.
While being safe for most healthy adults, if you are sensitive to a drop in blood sugar levels, you should talk to a health professional before starting intermittent fasting.
The Mediterranean diet
With plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish, and seafood, this diet is based on the types of foods traditionally eaten in places like Greece in Italy. The diet restricts refined grains, trans fats, refined oils, added sugar, and other highly processed foods. Poultry, nuts, and dairy products are to be eaten in moderation. Although not strictly a weight loss diet, it can result in reduced calorie intake and can aid weight loss if adopted as part of a healthier more active lifestyle.
Paleo diets
Known as the ‘caveman’ diet, Palaeolithic diets are all about eating as our ancestors did, with a hunter-gatherer mentality. The aim is to eat as naturally as possible, lots of fruit and vegetables, and other whole foods such as nuts and seeds. Many Paleo followers believe our digestive systems have not adapted to suit ‘modern’ foods such as processed grains, sugar, and dairy. The high protein content means you may feel fuller for longer, which can aid weight loss. It can also reduce heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Vegetarians restrict animal products such as meat, poultry, and fish, with some also choosing to cut out eggs and dairy. Plant-based diets likely aid weight loss because they tend to be low in high-calorie fat and rich in fibre, which can help you stay fuller for longer. Plant-based diets can also lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes.
A vegan diet restricts all animal products, including animal-derived products such as dairy, gelatine, honey, and whey. Without a properly planned diet, vegans are at risk of missing out on the essential nutrients typically found in animal products, such as iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. A supplement is often recommended to help avoid deficiency such as Nucific Bio X4 is a weight loss product that claims to improve digestion, metabolism, and craving control with its four-in-one formula of natural ingredients.
The Flexitarian diet is a plant-based diet that allows animal products to be eaten in moderation. Flexitarians eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, however, there are no clear-cut rules, which makes it a popular alternative to vegetarian and vegan diets.