How Just-In-Time Access Can Streamline Your Workflow

Streamline Workflow

The benefits of streamlining workflows are endless. JIT access enables teams to work together effectively by providing temporary access to SaaS apps. It also improves an organization’s security posture by reducing the attack surface by eliminating standing privilege accounts that are not rotated or disabled.

Using cloud PAM with a JIT model allows you to remove these accounts and implement least privilege principles while meeting compliance requirements for accurate auditing and a granular view of privileged access management.

Automated Routing Based on Rules

To make a business process work, certain rules must be applied. These rules ensure that callers are routed to the correct agent, that customer data is handled appropriately, and that the most critical issues are addressed first. Automating these processes eliminates manual steps and errors, making workflows faster and more efficient.

For example, a privileged access management solution that provides Just-In-Time Access allows you to create policies requiring users to justify requesting a privileged account. The account will only remain open if the user needs to perform a task. This eliminates the risk of accounts with standing privileges that cyberattackers can exploit and reduces the attack surface for a business.

Automated App Approval

The best way to eliminate manual review cycles and wait days is to automate your approval workflows with Just-In-Time Access. This allows you to give users the level of privileged access they need to do their work, and it only lasts for as long as they need it. This reduces the risk of privileged access abuse and prevents attackers from moving laterally through your network, which can lead to a data breach.

Traditional PAM solutions focus on discovering all privileged accounts and vaulting them away. However, the attack surface still needs to be improved as the credentials are still persistent and can be used by attackers to log in or checkout.

Automated Repetitive Tasks

Many repetitive tasks can be automated in your workflow. This can save you and your team members a lot of time and energy, which allows them to focus on more important duties that contribute to team goals. Streamlining repetitive tasks not only improves efficiency but also reinforces process adherence.

The best way to streamline your workflow is through automation apps that allow you to take out time-wasting tasks. This can include data entry, manual calculations, routing requests based on rules, and more. By automating these repetitive tasks, your teams can spend their time on more productive duties to help the business grow.

For example, with just in time access, you can reduce privileged account credentials granted permanently by giving them a short-lived period of access. When this timeframe is up, the privileged access will be automatically revoked. This will help protect your organization from a wide range of cybersecurity threats, such as lateral movement by threat actors and unnecessarily prolonged access to privileged accounts.

Traditional PAM vendors usually promote Just-In-Time access for infrastructure, such as servers and workloads. However, converged IGA and PAM solutions have a larger connector ecosystem, enabling them to provide just-in-time access for various applications and cloud platforms. This can significantly boost your productivity.

Automated Reporting

Streamlining your workflow by automating key processes saves time and money. It also helps to reinforce process adherence and boost productivity. In addition, it can help to improve employee morale by reducing the burden of repetitive manual tasks.

Many common business processes, such as legal processes like document tracking and signatures, accounting processes, and more, are easily automated. Automating these processes frees up more time for other tasks critical to your business’s success.

Another way to streamline your workflow is to use automation tools to manage privileged access management (PAM). This can reduce the risk of a security breach by eliminating human error in granting or revoking privileged accounts. It can also ensure that only those who need it can access a system that reduces the attack surface and prevents lateral movement by malicious actors.

An automated privileged access management solution can reduce the time and cost of implementing JIT. It provides a zero trust, least privilege model that automatically verifies identity and grants access based on business needs. It also enables administrators to gain visibility and auditing of all privileged sessions and assets.

With this streamlined access management, you can reduce the time required for review and provisioning while complying with policies and customer requirements. It eliminates the need for manual approval and allows users to be granted access on demand with securely managed and rotated credentials in a central vault.

Eliminate Manual App Requests

Streamline workflows for quicker access approval and better visibility into user and resource activities. Eliminate manual processes, standardize requisitions, communicate with candidates and stakeholders, and automate repetitive tasks to save time and boost productivity.

Privileged account management solutions with Just-in-Time Access eliminate standing privileges that malicious users can abuse. By granting privileged access as needed, these accounts are only valid for the session and are automatically disabled after it’s complete. This approach significantly improves an organization’s security posture by reducing the attack surface.

Rather than creating JIT accounts to manage privileges, using a PAM solution with Just-in-Time already implemented is far more efficient. These solutions allow you to set up temporary token-based integration, limit vendor access, and enable workflow tools to help with approvals. Converged PAM solutions also offer a wide range of connectors for all your infrastructure, including cloud platforms, SaaS, and consoles. This makes them a great choice for all your business needs.

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