Summer is arriving and in this season the temperature of the earth is increased which causes so many problems for us as well as for animals. And if you are riders then you enjoy your horse in the summer. But do you know heatwave is also harmful to your horse? If no then before riding your horse in summer you must go through some important tips to keep your Horse Cool from Heatwave in Summer.
Just like on a human being, the summer heat is also dangerous for horses. Summer heat effect on horse cause dehydration, general malaise, lethargy, diarrhea, and colic. So, you must take some precautions to care for horses from heat-related issues. Here we give some health tips for horses in summer. So, let’s have a look:
- Provide High Water Supply
- Make sure they have enough barns like American barns and airflow
- Keep away from unnecessary work
- Regularly feed needs to change in the summer
- Rinse them in water
In spite of taking care, if you see Heat Stress in Horses symptoms like heavy panting, sweating, so much saliva, high body temperature, restlessness, lethargy, and muscles spasms then you should extra take care them or immediately consult your veterinarian or follow below points about How to keep your horse cool from Heatwave in summer. So, let’s have a look
Tips for Keep Your Horse Cool from Heatwave in Hot Summer:
• Know the Signs of Overheating:
An overheated horse may not be sweating because of dehydration. Horses who are suffering from heatstroke can be restless, unsteady, depressed and show signs of colic. This type of horse’s breathing may be different and his pulse may be weak. If you see any of these signs in your horse, then you can immediately note his temperature and start cooling. After that, call your veterinary consultant.
• Take a Preclusion:
As we know that prevention is always better than cure. So, you should take care of your horse of your from overheating. For that, you should always adjust your workouts and hacks as per the weather. If possible then, ride in the morning or late evening in a day and reduce the length and power of your work.
As per the research, the thermal load on horses is a matter in an assessment. The WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) takes the temperature, light, humidity, and the wind is calculated for rating. If the rating is more than 28 then courses are reduced in length and severity. But if the rating is more than 33, then conditions will be incompatible with safety.
• Keep Water Ready:
It is necessary that you act fast and positively in the heat wave. For that, first, you need to dispense cold water over your horse. After that, don’t just drip water over your horse and use significant volume. Now move your horse at the cooler area which is exposed to the breeze. Please do not apply ice directly to your horse because it causes thermal damage.
• Provide Shade:
If your horse lives outside then you must provide relief from the heat. A run in shade is the best. You can also use American barns which are the ultimate in luxury for any equestrian yard. So, if you have so many horses and then you should use American barns for your horse. You can also use trees which is a very good source of shade, but it is not suited for every situation. So, use barns for the horse in the hot summer.
• Turning Out Aged Horse:
Weather also affects the horses, so reduce the time of horse when they are on the field. Always look after that, your horse gets fresh water and shade. If your horse color is light and he is weak then apply sunscreen on his screen or affected areas. While applying sunscreen please cover ears and muzzles area which are highly affected by the sun.
If your horse has pink skin then he is at risk and in this type of horse muzzles are a very sensitive area. So, apply sunscreen lotion in this area regularly.
• Keep Your Horse Moving:
If you keep moving your horse, then it can increase the blood pressure and give cooling to your horse. So, ultimately, you can reduce the risk of collapse and reduce the heat wave effect. Just because moving, the horse skin’s cooler blood which will go through the heart and into muscles.
Now a day for moving horse one place to other places there are horse trailers is available. So, if you can then use it a horse.
How to Take Extra Care of Horse in Heat?
For taking extra care of your horse, you should go through the below points.
- Reduce their stress
- Maintain horse well-being
- Maintain horse health
- Give antibiotic ejections timely
Keep Remember Below Things for Keeping Your Horse Cool:
- Obesity
- Avoid hot Water
- Transportation
- High humidity
- Avoid so much work
- Poor barn ventilation
I hope you will get complete details about How to Keep your Horse Cool from Heatwave in Summer. So, if you have a horse then you must take care of your horse in this extremely hot summer.