Psychologists claim that individuals have stopped learning the knowledge they need as a result of easy access to it. They claim that as a result of this, memory and reasoning are impaired. Here is how to utilize technology to remember the test for the rest of your life, without exerting much effort, and to sleep happily the night before the exam in this post.
What we remember most about anything is not the information itself, but the fact that we recall it in the first place. We tend to forget about it since we don’t put it to use. In addition, the pace at which we forget changes with time. It is quite a common experience for everyone, especially for students, who are constantly overwhelmed with the amount of information they receive. This is why the experience of using a paper writing service is a typical approach to dealing with assignments for subjects you are not particularly interested in – not only does it take a lot less time than it would take you to revise everything, but it also allows you to have some spare time you can spend on other more important subjects or just to rest.
Repetition methods based on the curve of forgetting have been devised, in which the acquired content is repeated at increasing intervals. Assuming that you’re studying a foreign language, you’ll need to keep track of when each word has to be revisited and create a reminder for that time. Good thing we live in an age when computers can perform all this work for us.
What is ANKI?
Anki is a spaced repetition tool that helps you remember precise information by repeating it over and again. This method may be used to learn everything from foreign languages to historical dates, physical locations of nations and capitals to human anatomy as well as the names of your pupils, among other things.
Anyone may get the benefits of using Anki on a regular basis. Because the software is not dedicated to a certain subject (for example, foreign languages), it is possible to remember a vast range of material in almost any field of human knowledge by following the instructions. Additionally, the tool lets you include photos, music, and video files, as well as scientific formulae, into your presentations (to work with formulas, the user must have LaTeX installed).
Two fundamental concepts underpin Anki’s operation: active memorizing and spaced repetitions.
How does ANKI work?
The term “Card” refers to the question-answer pair. The term “question-and-answer” originated with the use of question-and-answer cards. You can see the Question and the Answer when you examine the Answer in Anki, but the card doesn’t truly appear like cardboard (by default, this behavior can be changed). A deck of cards contains a number of cards. You do not need to learn all of your cards at the same time if you do not like to.
Anki uses the flashcard approach for training: I’m shown a question and have to answer it. “Show response” is a button that I must press before I can recall what it is. After Anki reveals the right answer, you’ll be presented with a number of choices. As a last resort, you may select “I don’t recall” to move the card to the bottom of your list, where you’ll have to review it again today. “Difficult,” “Just right,” or “Very easy” are the options that we choose if you recollect properly. Each button displays the amount of time it will take for Anki to reveal the card again.
A photo, music, or video may be attached to a question or answer by selecting it and clicking on the paperclip icon in the editing panel. In the center of a red circle, a microphone is put for listening purposes. When you are studying a foreign language and are acquainted with its spelling, it is important to pay attention to the correct pronunciation in answer to the inquiry. You will find this very handy while learning a second language.
ANKI Mobile
Anki is accessible as an app for all major operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows. With the exception of the iPhone, the app is accessible for free on all other platforms.
As the mobile companion to Anki, the program is complex and intelligent in nature, and it runs on a broad range of devices. AnkiMobile is a free and open-source application that runs on a wide range of devices. Due to the incorporation of a cloud-based data synchronization service into this mobile application, it may be used on both computers and mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. To utilize several devices, such as to study flashcards while delayed in traffic or on the subway, you must create an account and log in on each device. To do so, create one account and log in on each device.
All you have to do to use the Anki app is enter the information and access it once a day for 5-10 minutes at a time. Furthermore, the application will take care of the problem of the application repeating itself. You may eliminate the need for exams by recording what you learn in class or with a partner at the start of each school year and repeating it throughout the year.
Special features include:
1. Cloud sync
Using cloud sync, you can keep all of your cards in sync on many devices. If you want to study anything on a computer, you don’t have to go back and forth between your computer and your mobile phone to do it.
2. Effective algorithm
For scheduling card views, it makes use of an algorithm that has been time-tested and computer-tested, which enables you to remember content at the precise moment you are about to forget about it.
3. Fun interface
A user-friendly interface that makes it easier to learn quickly and efficiently. It is possible to define various actions for different sections of the screen, and tool buttons may be used to control the actions specified.
4. Expanded media options
The information you will be able to analyze about your studies will be extensive if you utilize Anki well. Your media files are stored on your device so that you may continue to study even if you do not have access to the internet.
Personal Advice
Even knowing that we don’t care about is simpler to recall because of spaced repetition. Even if they are just used in passing and mechanically, they are beneficial. The amount of “I don’t remember” button clicks and the memorizing time rise with this method. I use two methods to help me remember more quickly and fully.
Understanding. If you want to retain knowledge better and quicker, you must first grasp what you’re learning. Use this method to connect your knowledge with other sources and generate new ideas. It’s a waste of time and energy to just cram.
Have time and desire. Interval repetitions, which help to reduce the amount of conscious effort needed for each repetition, may be used to increase the efficiency of labor. This method, on the other hand, demands more time and effort than just taking each repetition carefully. Concentrate your focus on the flashcards and repeat them as many times as you can in order to better and more quickly recall the information you’ve learned. It’s a good investment for as long as it takes to complete.