Samsung Introduced The New Human Centric LED Lighting

Samsung Human-Centric LEDSamsung has rolled out new LED packages: LM302N DAY and LM302N NITE. Why did Samsung bring these? Factors such as temperature, humidity, and diet can affect our sleep cycles. Light, in particular, significantly impacts the secretion of melatonin, the sleep-triggering hormone. Samsung has introduced new LED solutions utilizing precisely designed light spectra with optimized amounts of cyan wavelength. This range of the light spectrum affects the body’s melatonin levels related to the sleep-wake cycle.

Human-Centric LED Specs

High Melatonin: During the dark nighttime, our bodies produce melatonin, causing us to fall asleep.

Low Melatonin: During the bright daytime, our bodies produce less melatonin, keeping us awake and active.

However, spending more time under artificial LED lighting confuses the body’s melatonin production, causing deviations from the normal levels that result from exposure to natural light. Late melatonin production makes us night owls, and insufficient suppression of melatonin during the day can make it difficult to concentrate.

Samsung ‘Human-Centric LED’ LM302N DAY

Emits light that suppresses the body’s production of melatonin, contributing to better concentration and efficiency with ‘LM302N DAY’. Subjects experienced an 18% decrease in melatonin secretion (compared to using conventional LEDs for the same period), resulting in better concentration.

Using the ‘Human-Centric LEDs’ at the right time, in the right place, can improve living environments by enhancing alertness at schools, offices, and workplaces where high concentration levels are required.

Human-Centric Lighting helps our health, work performance, and well-being. HCL balances the emotional, visual, and biological requirements of humans in lighting applications. Bespoke lighting can help you find designer, eco-friendly, and healthy lighting for your needs.

Samsung ‘Human-Centric LED’ LM302N NITE

Emits light that minimizes disturbances to the natural onset of the body’s melatonin production, leading to better, more restful sleep with ‘LM302N NITE’. Subjects experienced a 5% increase in melatonin secretion (compared to using conventional LEDs for the same period) and reached deep-sleep status 52 minutes faster.

Promote relaxing environments and better sleep at homes and hotels.

The DAY and NITE packages can be combined for those who spend most of their time indoors and struggle with confused body clocks. The LEDs help the body maintain natural circadian rhythms, boosting energy levels and creating more restful environments for contemporary people who lead indoor lifestyles.

I hope this revised version meets your needs! If there’s anything else you’d like to adjust or add, feel free to let me know.

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