The Art of Driving Off-roads: 3 Safe Driving Tips


Off-roading is one of the most spectacular drives you can have or be a part of. People from the middle east, Australia, and America are extremely fond of it. Off-roaders spend a lot of money to equip their 4×4’s for rough terrains. Such equipment is essential as it enhances the vehicle’s performance on dunes, mud, rocky-terrains, etc.

But, off-roading is not a piece of cake. Multiple accidents happen every day. Thankfully most of these accidents aren’t life-threatening. We don’t get to hear about accidents as these are very common off-road. Hence, there is a way and a method to drive on such terrains or trails. In this article, we’ll be covering off-road driving tips for beginners/starters. You may see that most of these tips or suggestions are generic, but simplistic driving is what’s going to keep you away from getting into accidents.

Before we cover some safe driving tips. Off-road fanatics must know about the importance of a 4×4 vehicle. Sometimes referred to as a 4WD or a 4 wheel drive, such vehicles have the ability to maintain strength while their engines absorb up-hill pressure. This happens because the car’s power is split between the front and rear differentials. Therefore, it is recommended that drivers use an all-terrain vehicle on their off-road journeys.

Now, let’s discuss 3 main safe driving tips for an exciting yet safe off-road experience.

Speeding kills

A quote well-heard, particularly in movies and magazines. Speeding on-road itself is extremely dangerous, disbalance from sheer acceleration and flexible steering may lead to dangerous accidents. Off-roads are a little different. One cannot really speed off-road but blistering acceleration can cause the vehicle to flip on dunes, improper balance may lead your 4×4 to skid on the terrain, especially during the rainy season. It is indeed important for an off-road driver to drive at a moderate speed, don’t go too slow, momentum is absolutely necessary. The thrill is necessary too but within a certain limit. It is in fact easy to speed up, but you’re not having a race with a medal waiting for you off-roads. Take it easy and let the experience be worth it.

In order for you to have an unforgettable experience, proper, well-functioning 4×4 equipment is the key principle. But, a tire check is recommended too. Make sure that your vehicle has got tires that can provide you with proper traction on rocky terrains.

The kind of equipment

As discussed above, equipment is the prime tool(s) for your 4×4! There are multiple types or sets of equipment that you may need. But, it is recommended that you have the below at all times so that your vehicle does not demand further expenses after your off-road journey.

  • Suspension lift-kit
  • Winch
  • Spare Tire
  • An Extra Tank of Fuel
  • Jack (the one in your toolbox)
  • Navigation Maps
  • and of course, Food and Water

Equipment can also be considered as an investment, provided you purchase the right kind and quality equipment from a reputed or a well-known brand. 4×4 accessories in Dubai, Australia, and America are quite common. There are various Australian brands that are currently being sold across the globe, you may do your research and see what fits your 4×4 best, as per your budget. It is considered ‘compulsory’ that you get a warranty on your purchase of every 4×4 equipment, don’t let dealers dupe you into believing that a warranty is not needed.

A Group Suits Better Off-roads!

We suggest that beginners travel in a group at least 3-4 times before a solo trip. A senior or an experienced sibling/friend will be ideal. Beginners end up creating chaos for themselves due to their level of excitement.

Out of years of experience and memories, we think that driving at a moderate speed, installing and carrying the right kind of equipment, and travelling in a group will keep you safer if not invulnerable to injuries, mishaps, or accidents off-road. Have a great journey, it’s the outdoor season already!

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