Traveling is good for your mental, physical, and social health. You can meet new people, widen your thinking, see so many new places. But have you ever think you planned to travel aboard then your criminal history in front of you. Yes, your criminal history can affect your holidays.
This totally depends on where you go for traveling and taking a visa for that also.
If you have some criminal charge on yourself and want to travel there is no good source to consult on traveling with a criminal history or a charge or the information about the traveler can be found on the immigration agency, the embassy in your homeland, or by searching with legislation methods.
Some countries don’t even welcome also to those people who have a criminal background, but there is the question arise what criminal history and the period that must to past since the conviction and this varies from country to country.
Generally, it is hard to travel, even impossible, to travel if you have any convictional cases like sexual harassment, violence. Some countries also forbid their own citizen from leaving if they have a serious criminal past. Otherwise, general authorities are not concerned about these things.
If you are on forbid you to need to follow some traveling rules set by the government or need some NOC or letter from your authority officer. As we discussed earlier if you make a mistake that will be get caught at the time of your visa. Let’s discuss about this in deep.
When you were planning to go on traveling you need to go for a visa and at the time of the visa officer ask some questions. For that, you need to give truthful answers for that as well without even hesitation.
Especially if you take a visa for the Us and Canada. These countries follow very strict rules on these things. Every have their own rules on this situation lets discuss some of them if we were talking about Canada. If you want to go on travel with a criminal offense you need to submit an application for rehabilitation. this process also takes a long time. After reaching Canada you can apply for a resident permit. Before applying for a residence permit you must follow good moral character under Canadian law with a criminal clean history.
The following things should be considered while taking a visa with criminal history is not only based on if you have records under government’s things but it also considered in different manner as well. Like character concerns is related to how you behave with other people.
Financial history can be related to your financial stability, your financial background, how much credit you take from the nation (in manner to banks or financial institutions), or under in any money laundering things. Health concern in the sense of when you want a visa for your health treatment as well you already had had some criminal history for that you need to follow officials’ things as per rules from your origin country.
This is how can you get over from this issue? If you have any criminal or other case charges, consult with Mathew Leyba Defense or any local lawyer before applying for travel and other types of visas.