Instagram is a social media app that allows users to take pictures and videos, and share them with their followers. Instagram is unique in that it focuses on images and videos, rather than text-based posts. Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010 and was acquired by Facebook in April 2012 for $1 billion. It has grown as a platform for businesses to promote their wares. This is how important Instagram is to commerce.
Instagram’s Growth as an App We View
Since its inception, Instagram has grown exponentially in popularity. By the end of 2021, Instagram had over 1890 million active users. And the numbers continue to grow, and Instagram had over 2 billion active users. This makes Instagram one of the most popular social media platforms available today.
What we see then on Instagram are a lot of followers with many different interests. This makes it possible to find our demographic when we work out who is following what. A business’s research will therefore be about seeking out its potential customers on this basis, just as an individual will seek out like-minded individuals interested in their same hobby.
The growth of Instagram has, of course, meant the growth of online businesses. Online is now more than just about websites, there are a whole host of other social media opportunities for businesses to explore. So much so, that companies are now being offered the opportunity to buy Instagram likes.
The Importance of the Likes that We See on Instagram
Something we all notice on Instagram will undoubtedly be the number of likes that certain posts are receiving. These are important because they show how popular a post is. When someone likes a post, it means that they enjoyed it and found it interesting. The more likes a post has on Instagram, the more popular it is. This is why Instagram users are always looking for ways to get more likes on their posts. Businesses, in particular, will be keen to see how their marketing strategies are working.
There are a few things to keep in mind when thinking about Instagram likes. First, it’s important to remember that not all likes are equal. Just because someone has a lot of likes on their posts doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re popular. It could just mean that they have a lot of friends and followers who like their content. Second, Instagram doesn’t show all the likes on a post. It only shows a certain number, and the rest are hidden. This means that if you have a lot of followers but only a few likes, it’s not necessarily because your content isn’t good. It could just be because Instagram is only showing a small portion of the likes.
A Mixture of News and Product Promotions
On all social media platforms now you will see a mixture of news headlines, funny individual stories, and business promotions. This is where a business can be noticed when the feed is being scrolled through by users. We want our business to be found among the most interesting content and also to be considered an entity that is more than keeping up with the social media trend.
As a social media site based on photos and videos, Instagram represents a useful aid for promotion to an online audience looking to be entertained as well as informed. Likes are an important part of Instagram because they influence how many people will see a photo or video. The more likes a photo or video has, the more likely it is that it will show up in people’s feeds. As a business, we can take advantage in respect of all of this. A business’s post will just tend to differ in that it will be a photo and description of a product as opposed to the funny pursuits of an individual, but it can be equally engaging.