10 Ways to Take Care of Your Skin in Summers

Take Care of Skin in Summers

It’s that time of year when hot tea isn’t as popular as it once was, and nimbu-soda takes its place. Anything polyester will soon be considered a no-no, and cotton will be the preferred fabric. Summer is here in all of its splendour. And it brings with it a slew of skincare difficulties. Breakouts and pimples, rashes, and roughness abound, and the acne refuses to disappear! But, with just a few simple tweaks to your daily skincare routine and adding products from the best skincare brands in India, you’ll be ready to shine this season. Here are a few summer skin care recommendations that you might find useful. Because warmer weather necessitates a change in your skincare routine, if you don’t take care of your skin, the hot Indian summer can be very unpleasant. So, just like your outfit, your skincare regimen needs to alter with the seasons. Here’s a comprehensive list of summer skincare advice for all skin types.

1. Clean your face more often

You should take care of it every day of the year. On the other hand, summertime necessitates a unique skincare regimen that moisturises while also keeping it clean and clear of filth. During these hot months, make sure your face is free of dust and sweat by using good face cleansers from one of the best skincare brands in India.

 2. Use weather appropriate products

The heavy creams you used during the winter months are no longer effective. Pack them away or use them on regions of your body that are extremely dry, such as your feet. Summertime necessitates cosmetics that allow your skin to breathe freely. Lighter lotions and serums from the best skincare brands in India are preferable.

3. Natural treatment options

Never take your grandmother’s advice lightly! There are things in your kitchen that can assist in cooling and soothing your skin in the heat. For example, lemon and tomato are great for keeping your skin looking young.

4. Remember to care for your eyes and lips, too

During the summer, the sun’s rays are at their most intense between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Avoid going out during these hours. If you decide to go out, wear sunglasses, sunscreen lotion, and lip balm to protect your eyes and lips.

5. Maintain hygiene

The importance of overall cleanliness in combating heat cannot be overstated. Bathing twice a day will not only keep your skin hydrated but will also help you fight summer fatigue.

6. Have more cooling food

What we eat significantly impacts how we look and feel. In this weather, eating heavy foods is certain to make you sluggish. It can also make your skin greasy and more prone to breakouts.

7. Wear breathable clothes

To combat the heat, cotton and lighter textiles are essential. Tight clothing can irritate the skin and make sweaty areas of the body itch even more. Rashes and, in some cases, serious skin infections can result from prolonged exposure to these conditions.

8. Stay hydrated

The amount of water you consume also impacts your skin. So, don’t forget to stay very much hydrated during the summer days.

9. Sunscreen’s importance

Remember to use sunscreen! UV rays can affect your skin at any time of year, but they are especially damaging when our exposure levels are higher during the summer months.

10. Don’t be afraid of the sun

Finally, the sun is a mood enhancer, so don’t be afraid of it. Sunlight encourages the production of serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone.

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