5 Office Accessories Guaranteed To Boost Your Productivity

Office Accessories Boost Productivity

Less than ten years ago, stay-at-home work became something that a lot of people had begun doing. Then, in the last couple of years, the number of stay-at-home work individuals grew exponentially, and a lot of people may stay in that position for the foreseeable future. Consequently, people have begun looking for ways to boost their productivity in the office.

Whether you have a home office or a remote office, this guide is here to help you boost your productivity. Because if one thing is for sure, nobody likes to feel sluggish while sitting at their desk. Plus, everyone wants to strive to get more done in less time and advance their careers to new heights in years, not decades.

In the following sections, you’ll find office accessories & gadgets that’ll help take your productivity to never-before-seen heights.

1. Standing Desk

First up is the standing desk. Recently, this type of desk has become more popular because it not only boosts productivity, but it adds versatility to any office environment. Long gone are the days of expensive computers, computer screens, and computer accessories.

Why not deck out your desk environment with multiple screens, a more comfortable workspace, and all the tools you need to multi-task? Plus, staying on your feet can help your posture if your prone to slouching, especially since a standing desk is height-adjustable.

2. Portable Gym

Nothing gets the energy flowing while sharpening the mind like a good workout. As everyone knows, exercise gets the blood pumping. If you feel sluggish upon entering your office, then a quick workout is one way to get the juices flowing.

In recent years, a lot of nifty portable and travel gym options have popped up that’ll take up almost zero room in your office. To land on the right one for your office, it’s wise to first consider your fitness goals. Do you want to get toned, burn calories, and/or build muscle?

3. Folding Treadmill

Similar to a portable gym, a folding treadmill is an excellent option for burning calories and getting the juices flowing in the morning or in the afternoon during your break. Just 10 to 20 minutes of cardio exercise per day is enough to get in better shape.

A good site to find the best folding treadmill or an under-desk treadmill is an office fitness geek. Once you get into the rhythm of using your treadmill a few times a week, you’ll naturally perform better in the office and become more motivated.

Also, if you decide to opt for an under-desk treadmill rather than a folding one, you have the option to work at your standing desk while burning calories. How cool is that?

4. Essential Oil Diffuser

Nothing curbs enthusiasm or productivity quicker than a foul smell. Now, on the other side of the spectrum, the scent also has the ability to boost productivity, just ask entrepeneur.com. An essential oil diffuser is an affordable gadget that diffuses scents into the air on autopilot.

A couple of commonly used essential oils that can help to boost your productivity are rosemary, peppermint, and lavender. The list doesn’t stop there either, so be sure to check out how your favorite scents may help to boost your productivity in the office.

5. White Noise

Last but not least is the addition of white noise to your workspace. Do you work in an office with distracting noises? A good way to mitigate distracting noises inside the office is with the help of white noise. To begin adding white noise to your work environment, simply check out some white noise apps to use with your phone and existing headphones.

Additionally, there are white noise machines that play dedicated white noise and take up little room in your office. Regardless of which method you use to add white noise, you may find that it not only boosts your productivity but your creativity as well.

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to add one or more of these accessories & gadgets to your office? At a minimum, adding a piece of workout equipment will get you into better shape. A good combination is an essential oil diffuser and a treadmill.

Adding eucalyptus oil to your diffuser while getting your jog on will undoubtedly sharpen your mind and make for a more productive work day.

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