5 Best Real Estate Online Marketing Ideas and Tips

Real Estate Online Marketing Ideas

While real estate revolves more around fieldwork, buyers increasingly do more legwork online before arriving on the streets. A study from the National Association of Realtors shows that 92% of buyers use the web to initiate their house hunt, driving the need for real estate agents to keep an online presence.

If you are not actively engaging or networking online, you are losing one of the best ways to get real estate leads.

So, to kickstart your online marketing, use the following five tips to secure the results you are seeking:

1. Create a website

Many people search the internet to research and examine the products and services they want to buy. A website will allow real estate agents to show prospective buyers what they offer. Try to create a presentable and attractive website, as around 75% of consumers admit to judging the credibility of a business by its web design.

Besides, include house listings on your webpage and regularly update them – this will keep visitors coming to your website as they search for property.

Moreover, go for a virtual staging website as it not only gives a potential buyer idea about the property but helps to save time and money physically staging the property. Also, use actual footage of the home rather than digital illustrations.

2. Blogging

Another best way to get real estate leads. is by building a blog and posting content optimised for SEO. It will help to create a positive reputation online, show industry expertise, and provide clients with valuable information on how to go about buying and selling a property.

Tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush, among others, can help you find the keywords or search terms the audience is using for search content in the real estate industry. Focusing on them in the content will improve your search engine ranking and boost visibility around your business.

3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC or Pay Per Click Advertising is a cost-effective and excellent way for realtors to generate leads who show strong buying behaviour. You will only be charged when somebody clicks on the advertisement, and someone will only click if they are genuinely interested.

You can often target PPC advertising toward prospects searching for a real estate-related keyword in search engines.

4. Host a Webinar

Want to portray yourself as a thought leader and authoritative figure in the real estate market? Webinars and virtual workshops make it easy to share your expertise with a large audience and promote your brand in the real estate sector.

Besides, if you don’t have enough budget, you have the option to partner with a fellow company, a local lender, or even a staging company to host webinars related to topics you think the audience would love to hear about.

5. Focus on Social Media Strategy

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are essential social media channels for real estate marketing. Maintaining an active and engaging presence on them is one of the better ways to spread awareness, reinforce brand image and boost engagement.

On that ground, devising a social media strategy focuses on varied content. Though sharing listings is good, it would be more beneficial if you come up with some other content ideas as well – case studies, success stories, client referrals, etc.

Besides, you can join groups on LinkedIn and Facebook to answer relevant questions raised in them. You can also set up your group to build relationships and boost networking.

The Bottom Line

From lead generation to awareness, and sales, the real estate industry is now relying on the power of online marketing. It’s time you jumped on this bandwagon as well.

With these marketing ideas, you can capture the interest of your audience and initiate the process of bringing them on board. Start with a marketing plan that helps you set goals for your campaigns and define the steps to achieve these goals.

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