How Did My Daughter Get BV? Cause, Symptoms, and Treatment

Daughter Get Bacterial Vaginosis

As a mom, it’s part of your duty to care for your daughter and keep her safe both health-wise and in other areas.  Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection you wouldn’t want for your sweet little girl. BV raises your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It’s the most prevalent reason for abnormal vaginal discharge in women of reproductive age.

Causes of BV

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when some vaginal bacteria produce greater than others. An imbalance occurs when there is an abundance of one type of bacteria. Researchers haven’t yet found the causes of BV. However, here are some things that may contribute

  • Douching
  • Lack of natural lactobacilli bacteria
  • Having various sexual partners

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

The most common symptom of BV is a change in vaginal discharge. Many women may also notice the distinct odor. Below are some of the bacterial vaginosis symptoms:

  • The discharge is frequently white-grey in color and has a nasty odor.
  • During sexual intercourse, the odor may be more noticeable.
  • The discharge is usually the heaviest right after a period or after sex.
  • The discharge usually does not cause itching or inflammation around the vagina and vulva.

Is Bacterial Vaginosis Transmitted Sexually?

No, BV can affect any woman, including those who have never had (or do not have) sex. However, it is more common in sexually active women than in non-sexually active women.

A woman cannot contact BV through sexual contact with a man. However, BV is more likely to develop following a change in a sexual partner. Because, for reasons not fully understood, this can disrupt the balance of normal germs (bacteria) in the vagina.

Women who have sex with other women can pass the condition to one another. This is most likely because the bacteria on the woman’s body have become particularly adept at overwhelming the lactobacilli, allowing them to spread further.

Test for Bacterial Vaginosis

Your doctor or nurse may be willing to diagnose BV based solely on its typical symptoms. BV is likely due to the common discharge and its distinctive fishy odor. When your doctor examines you, the look of the discharge may help them identify BV.

During your test, your medical practitioner will take your vaginal fluid sample. The healthcare personnel will examine the fluid under a microscope, perform tests in the office, or send it to a laboratory for analysis.

Some tests can aid in the confirmation of the diagnosis. Furthermore, if you are pregnant, it is critical to accurately diagnose any odd vaginal discharge so that any infection can be effectively treated.

How to Reduce the Risk of Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is not fully understood, and there are no foolproof methods of prevention. Nevertheless, these precautions may lower your risk.

  • Do not douche. It alters the natural bacterial balance in your vagina. Instead, take care of your vaginal and vulvar health.
  • Don’t put things that have touched your anus on your vaginal contact. Toilet paper and sex toys may transfer bacteria from your poop to your vagina.
  • After each use, ensure that sex toys are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Limit the number of sex partners you have. Having multiple sex partners increases your chances of getting BV.
  • Latex condoms should be worn during sex. Although it is unclear why research suggests that sexual activity is linked to BV.
  • Wear cotton underwear or cotton-lined underwear. Bacteria can multiply in moist conditions. Cotton helps in the absorption and removal of moisture.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

With an antibiotic prescription from a doctor, one can treat BV. If you have symptoms, you ought to see a doctor who can examine you and treat you. Even if your symptoms go away, it is critical to take all of the bacterial vaginosis treatments prescribed by your doctor.

Bacterial vaginosis treatment may also lower the risk of contracting other STDs. Even after treatment, BV can reoccur. Male sexual partners of BV women do not require treatment. BV, on the other hand, can transfer between female sex partners.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment in Pregnancy

It is critical to treat BV during pregnancy. If you have BV while pregnant, there’s a high tendency that your baby will be born prematurely or with low birth weight. A low birth weight baby is one who weighs less than 5.5 pounds at birth.

However, bacterial vaginosis is a common and curable vaginal infection. There is a treatment for bacterial vaginosis. With the right treatment for bacterial vaginosis, odor, itchiness, and increased discharge symptoms are quickly relieved. Bacterial vaginosis, if left untreated, may cause a “fishy” odor and vaginal discomfort in some women. Others may be asymptomatic.

Should I Treat My Partner for Bacterial Vaginosis?

There is no proof that treating a male sexual buddy hinders the development of BV in his female sexual partner.

If you have a female partner, it appears that treating her for BV concurrently with you will prevent relapse (in either of you). Even if she is asymptomatic

What Happens if You Refuse the Treatment?

In some cases, BV will go away without treatment. Treatment, on the other hand, can help avoid the increased risk of certain severe health implications with BV. Receiving or transmitting HIV could become pretty easy if bacterial vaginosis treatment is not available.

Also, you may have your baby sooner than expected if you are pregnant while infected. Other STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, could also be contacted at this point. Furthermore, these bacteria can result in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can make it difficult to bear children.

What is the Rate of BV?

For females aged 15 to 44, bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal problem. In fact, one in every three American women will develop BV. Black women have a higher rate.


Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a prevalent health issue caused by bacterial overgrowth in the vagina. The normal vaginal discharge is altered as a result of this. Although BV changes do not usually cause pain or itching, they do cause a discharge that smells stronger than usual.

Most times, BV clears out without medication. However, it’s important to get bacterial vaginosis treatment to avoid complications.

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