How to Create Engaging Workplace Wellbeing Initiatives for Remote Teams

Workplace for Remote Teams

In a world increasingly dominated by digital connections, the quest for genuine workplace wellbeing has never been more pertinent. Transitioning to a fully remote workforce, they faced the daunting task of nurturing employee wellness in an environment where physical office spaces no longer existed. The challenge was not just to adapt, but to thrive.

Along the way, we give a few tips on how you can start developing effective workplace wellbeing initiatives for your employees.

Tip #1: Define What Wellbeing Means to Your Company

When it comes to promoting wellness in the workplace, one size does not fit all. While wellbeing can be defined as the ability of individuals to handle everyday stressors, work productively, and reach their full potential,  how that manifests in your company is specific to the workplace environment. For any wellness initiative to be successful, we must first have a clear picture of what wellness and well-being in the workplace looks like to the organization we’re working with.

Celebrating entrepreneurial spirit, passion, dependability, teamwork, honesty, intelligence, creativity, accountability, and open communication all help to foster a thriving workplace culture. By promoting these values in the wellness strategies we implement, we not only improve well-being at an individual level, but we also improve the health of interpersonal relationships, as well.

Tip #2: Get Employee Input During Planning

When planning workplace wellbeing initiatives, involving employees in the process is crucial. Not only does it show that you value their input, but it also ensures that the program aligns with their needs and interests. Studies have shown that well-being initiatives that have employee buy-in are more successful in the long run.

Tip #3: Encourage Participation with Incentives

Planning tailored workplace wellness initiatives is just the start; to ensure their success, employees need to participate. Unfortunately, motivating individuals to participate in the program can be challenging, and low participation rates can lead to a lack of impact on overall employee health and productivity. One way to overcome this challenge is by offering incentives for participation. Health and wellness professionals have reported that linking participation to rewards is a great way to motivate individuals to participate in the program. After all, who doesn’t like free things?

Which Workplace Wellness Initiatives Worked for Us?

When it comes to the workplace, taking care of employee well-being is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to a more productive and engaged workforce.

Gratitude Lists

This small exercise not only encourages employees to take a moment to appreciate the good in their lives, but by asking them to share their lists, we can facilitate positive community-building (and learn a little bit more about one another along the way).

Desktop Gardening

Studies have shown that indoor plants offer several benefits for human health and wellbeing including reducing stress, increasing focus and productivity, improving air quality, and increasing indoor humidity (something anyone with respiratory issues can tell you is a huge help). Plus, they add a little beauty and visual interest to any workspace.

Monthly Peloton Challenge

This means employees can access Peloton’s extensive library of fitness classes, so decided to take advantage of this benefit by challenging employees to take two meditation or yoga classes per week for a month. Not only will participants win prizes throughout the month, but they’ll also get a chance to take some time for themselves to relax and unwind.

Wellness Check-Ins

It’s not always easy for managers of remote teams to know when one of their employees is feeling disheartened or overwhelmed. This check-in is a simple, one-question survey asking employees how they’re feeling that week. Responses are shared with their managers, so if someone reports that they feel discouraged, their manager has an opportunity to intervene and learn what support is needed.

Employee Spotlight

A persistent problem in remote and hybrid teams is a lack of familiarity and camaraderie. Oftentimes, it feels like you don’t know who you’re working with, and that can make team members feel isolated and unsupported. Each spotlight focuses on a different employee, sharing information about their interests, achievements, and family (including pets, of course), giving coworkers a chance to learn about a person beyond what their role is at the company.

Company-Wide Events

Sometimes, letting loose and having a little fun is just what the doctor ordered. For virtual teams, this can be a bit challenging with everyone in different places and time zones. Some of the most popular events have been the Game Show Extravaganza and At-Home Scavenger Hunt.

Daily Prompts

Finally, we wanted to emphasize that workplace wellbeing initiatives don’t always need to be large events or month-long challenges. You can and should be promoting employee health and well-being daily. 

Of course, the ways wellness manifests itself will be different than how it looks in other companies. To learn how an engaging workplace can help you build a positive company culture, and keep sharing and trying new things.

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