How To Get The Most Out Of The Treadmill To Lose Weight


Do you like running in the gym? Are you one of those who go every day to do cardio? We tell you the keys to give you much better and take advantage of the time.

You like to run and you spend the day on the treadmill in the gym. It is clear that you are one of those classic people who use this essential and so requested device. Why are they busy most of the time and at the same time they are one of the most hated machines by all?

Surely you’ve heard that “hate the treadmill running” but must recognize that it is very handy because it allows us to ‘ running ‘ when this is not possible on the street. Over the years, in our country, the number of brokers has grown tremendously.

Let’s stop to think for a moment: how and why did we start running? What was our goal? We thought we would end up running popular races and marathons? Did we know how much we had to run to lose weight?

Today we will explain how much you have to run to lose weight and what is really in everything that is said about losing weight while running. But before going into a more detailed discussion I would like to suggest you buy treadmills using Amazon coupon codes to save money.

Running weight loss plan: how many minutes should I run?

Running is a cardiovascular exercise that burns a good number of calories. The main issue is that not all types of workouts burn the same amount of calories and when the end goal of the runner is to lose weight, you have to follow the training.

Playing with the rhythm changes to lose weight

Basically, the main idea is to play with the rhythms and avoid the continuous workouts that the body ends up getting used to. It will not be good to run 10 kilometers every day if you do it with the same energy of the race and the same route.

This does not work and it does not matter if you go up to 11, 12, 15 or 20 kilometers a day if your running pace is constant, either smooth or high.

Eye, it is clear that being an aerobic activity, when you pass the 35 minutes of the race you are really burning fat and being efficient with regard to weight loss. But this will only work for you at the beginning because, as we have already said, the body ends up getting used to everything.

To lose weight running you have to introduce rhythm changes: play with long and slower shoots and alternate them with other shorter and more intense shoots. It is not a series, but a combination of rhythms that allow you not to stop at all, but to vary the rhythm.

Lose weight by running 3 times a week

Thus, during the first weeks of initiation, it is not necessary to go jogging every day to lose weight, but it is more efficient to go out three or four days a week.

If you manage to reduce the training time and increase the intensity of the exercise, you will probably achieve greater fat burning in absolute numbers.

How much should I jog to lose weight running?

If you want to start running and really want to lose weight by running you can start the first week by doing 30 minutes walking at a light pace and then doing 4 sets of 1 minute and 30 seconds jogging

In the following weeks, you can reduce the time of walking at a light pace and increase the time you spend jogging, also reducing the time between each change of pace. All this without stopping until the end of the training.

Just do not forget to use a heart rate monitor or application to measure the distance traveled, the average running speed, and the number of calories consumed. With these data and the calculation of your basal metabolic rate, you will be able to combine a workout and a diet with the ones you spend more calories than you eat.

Walking on a treadmill several days a week while reading a magazine or watching TV may be enough to transform your health

If you are planning to go to a marathon, you may want to create a specific program. On the machine, you have several that can help you stay interested. They have different objectives and you can change the options as you improve. Take advantage of everything it offers you: challenges with time, speed, inclination.

If you are not familiar, start slowly. Start walking slowly for three or four minutes until you get used to it and then increase the pace (that you are comfortable) and run. It all depends on your level and experience. Some devices also allow you to enter your data, create a profile to calculate your heart rate and an appropriate target. Wear comfortable clothes in case you fall on the floor, don’t burn yourself.

Do not get bored

There is a wide variety of interval races that alternate between intense and recovery rhythms and are considered an efficient and fast way to get in shape. In general, these programs should get you out of your comfort zone, but there should be enough time to rest between the sprints so you can control your breathing again.

Do not forget to warm up. It is very important to be able to maintain an adequate rhythm without getting tired and without slowing down. Change the slope from time to time so that it is not easy for you and burn more calories: think that the street is not straight and has elevations, the more real it is on the treadmill, the more benefits you will get. If you want to add some kind of difficulty, do some strength training (but not uploaded on the treadmill).

Take a few minutes to run on the treadmill because you are missing benefits such as improvements in heart performance and blood pressure

Go down, perform three sets of weightlifting, push-ups or squats, and return to the belt again. Do not forget to stop it completely or you may suffer some disgust. Take care of your posture, be careful, and try to maintain an amplitude that is natural to you. In fact, the treadmill is ideal to work together with the stride frequency because you can gradually vary speed and experiment to see what frequencies and rhythms you feel most comfortable with.

Be careful

Do not look down because you are not going to stumble, there are no irregularities on the ground, it is the same treadmill all the time so take the opportunity to look straight ahead, with your head well held but without excessive tension. Starting a constant exercise routine is the best way to make sure you meet the minimum recommended guidelines for physical activity or your own fitness goals by experts.

But if you’re not doing regular exercise yet, go increasing it slowly, incorporating a little more time each week. Even walking on a treadmill several days a week while reading a magazine or watching Netflix may be enough to start transforming your health.

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