When you bought your current property, presuming you went through a realtor, you will have been shown around the property as thoroughly as was possible at the time and will no doubt remember how you were focused on the little details.
Now, when wanting to sell your home to either upsize, downsize, or even move due to your professional opportunities to another state entirely, it is time for you to be as thorough as you can in making your home an attractive prospect for potential buyers.
With this in mind, here is how to improve your curb appeal ahead of selling your home.
Renovate the Front Porch
Another incredibly beneficial way of making your home much more attractive to potential buyers and increasing the property’s overall value is to renovate the front porch.
Front porch renovations can be as dramatic and different or as subtle yet effective as you desire, as long as you ensure that the new design of the porch is in keeping with the style and overall vibes of the rest of the home.
Furthermore, you should also take the time to polish any brass accents, such as door knockers, ensure the mailbox is clean, and, if you can get access to one, pressure-wash the pathway and steps to your front door.
Invest in Upgrading the Roof
First and foremost, the most problematic issue for people buying houses who do not thoroughly inspect the entirety of the inside and outside of the property is to do with the roof.
This is why, these days, every realtor worth their proverbial salt will highlight any roofing features that have been improved, upgraded, or entirely replaced to potential buyers, and this will make your home stand out. So, with that being said, you should prioritize looking for professional and established roofing services for sheds, garages, and more in your local area.
There are numerous different materials to choose from should you want to change the overall aesthetic and durability of the roof, from asphalt shingle and metal roofing to stone tiling or even green roofing.
Design a Dramatic & Eye-Catching Front Garden
The third and final tip when wanting to heighten the curb appeal of your home falls much more into your own personal category of style and interior design.
You would hope that any potential buyer who is serious about looking around your property during an open house showing, or else through your relator, would be able to look past simple faults, such as a broken plant pot, for example, but it is definitely best to play it safe.
Unless you are incredibly lucky, it is more than likely that any prospective buyers have a jam-packed viewing schedule, so influencing their first impression of your home is essential. The aim of the game here is to ensure that your front garden and pathway to the front door appear smart, tidy, and clean yet still inviting and welcoming, and you may also want to consider replacing any visible side entrance gates or fences.