How to Take Care of Home Trees: 7 Important Steps

Home Trees-Take-CareTaking care of trees may seem too simple to one’s eye, but there will be a great effort behind a grown tree. Planting a tree is so easy but it takes care more difficult and regular work. We have to water it once a week, save from animal or bugs, and more.

Let’s know about 7 important steps that can aid in the healthy growth of your trees.

1. Nativity

First, we have to know about the tree’s nativity and whether it is suitable for your place’s climatic conditions.

Plantation space plays a key role in the all-around development of the tree. Choosing the right place for tree planting benefits both the tree and the home.

Make sure how deep the tree roots are planted because roots can sustain only a certain level of depth. After all, the root cells also require oxygen. Roots should be planted at a minimum of 12 inches deep in the soil for healthy development.

2. Water

Water the plant immediately after the plantation to get settled in the soil. Know the correct measurements needed to water a tree. The amount of water usage for trees varies from one another. For some trees, the usage of water depends upon the season.

3. Soil

Maintain the consistency in soil, don’t let it dry out completely; it leads to the destruction of the tree from roots. Optimal moisture in the soil is prominent if the tree is below 2 years.

Don’t water the tree excessively; it creates heavy moisture in the soil, leading to a rotten root system. Along with that, the soil type should suit the type of the soil.

When the tree is in the early stage, don’t frequently walk near its surroundings. It may create soil corrosion which decreases the nutrients in the soil.

4. Sunlight

Not only the place you choose to plant the tree and water trees, but sunlight also comes first in the tree’s life to survive and thrive.

When there is sunlight, trees create the sugars for the ‘photosynthesis’ process. Without the production of these sugars in trees, there is no ultimate survival of the tree, and we should consider this as the important life process of the tree.

5. Mulch

Mulch helps the soil to be in moist conditions irrespective of outer conditions like extreme temperatures. Mulch around trees up to 2 – 4 inches deep, which serves as the boundary at a time when you mow your lawn.

Leave the ring space between the trunk and mulch, which will prevent smothering your tree.

6. Paring and Pruning

The routine paring of the dead branches and leaves will keep the tree healthy. Pare the tree frequently when the tree is above 3 years old. Paring at a young age helps to get the tree to grow strong branches and absorb the nutrients properly, which benefits further growth.

Try to avoid pruning at the stubs as it could lead to pest problems or disease and may affect the tree’s growth. Avoid pruning the branches that are growing towards the main trunk as it could disfigure the tree’s shape.

7. Weeds

Don’t encourage the weeds to grow around the trees at the early stages, affecting tree growth.

Once the tree grows older, most weeds don’t affect the tree much.


Take an arborist’s help when the situation is out of your hand. By taking the help of a professional, there will be a drastic improvement in the growth of a tree.

Professionals have a deep knowledge that can help you understand the requirements of the tree and how you could help it thrive.

The trees, whether indoor or outdoor, need to be taken care of according to their type, not according to our lifestyle. Though it is a huge responsibility, it’s always worth it.

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