Identifying a Flea Problem Before It Gets Out of Control

Identifying-Flea-ProblemIf your pet has fleas, then there is a very good chance that fleas are also living among you in your house. These pesky parasites can feed off animals’ blood, but they can also feed on human blood, which is why you certainly don’t want them in your home.

Fleas don’t have any wings, but they do have extraordinarily strong legs for their size, which means they can jump very long distances. They also have very strong bodies, which makes them near impossible to crush and allows them to thrive in carpets.

If you suspect that you may have fleas in your home, follow the steps we are going to discuss.

Check Your Pet(s)

If your cat or dog is constantly scratching itself, this could be a sign that he/she has fleas. If this is the case, inspect their skin by moving their fur around. If your pet does have fleas, you will more than likely spot at least some of them as you look at their skin. Make sure you pay close attention to their neck and near the base of the tail.

Another good practice to check for fleas is by getting your pet to stand on a large sheet of paper and then run a fine-toothed comb through their fur. Then, check the comb and paper for any black specks, which could be flea feces or fleas themselves. If you don’t find any indication of fleas after doing this, consult a vet as your pet might have a different skin-related problem. These flea can grow and spread to your dogs and more pets so use pet care parasites  to keep clean and parasites.

Pet Bedding

As well as checking your pet(s) themselves, you must also inspect their bedding for signs of fleas. Small particles that look like grains of salt could be an indicator of flea eggs. Simply lay down a piece of paper again and shake their bedding above it to see if any fleas fall off. Other than checking your pet, their bedding is the most common place to find fleas because they often latch onto animals whilst they are eating or sleeping.


Fleas can hide in carpet fibers and could be there even if you don’t notice them start off with. Stand on top of your carpets in different locations whilst wearing long white socks. If fleas are present, some of them are likely to cling onto your socks. You might not be comfortable with checking for fleas this way, but fear not, there is another way.

Simply place a bowl of warm (but not boiling) soapy water on top of your carpet and then shine a bright light over the water. If fleas are in the carpet fibers, they will jump towards the light and end up in the water, killing them.

Inspect Your Own Skin

Fleas may jump from your pet and start feeding on your blood. When a flea bites you, your body reactions by releasing a chemical called “histamine” as a natural reaction. This chemical causes an itchy red bump to form around the bite, and if you scratch it, it will become itchier and sorer. These symptoms normally start straight after you are bitten so keep a close eye on your skin.

Preventing a Flea Infestation

Flea infestations can be challenging to sort out. However, you can take some preventative measures to stop it from happening in the first place. Firstly, hoovering your floor will help remove any debris that fleas like to use to avoid detection. It’s also a good idea to keep your grass short as fleas love gardens and can jump onto your pet when they are outside. If you do find some, make sure you call a local pest control company immediately.

You may also want to use anti-flea products in your home that can be applied directly to your carpets to prevent fleas or to kill them if they have already made your home, their home.

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