Laser Hair Removal: A Permanent Solution

Laser-Hair-RemovalGetting rid of unwanted hair has never been easier. Hair removal in the past has always been painful or required a lot of caution. Even after all this painstaking process, the hair would grow back in due time. This made it difficult as the solutions were not permanent and required a lot of care. But Laser hair removal is nothing like the above. It is easy, safe and a permanent solution above all.

Lasers are used to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body. Laser hair removal in pune is a simple and gentle procedure using laser energy to remove any unnecessary hair with a beam of light. Hair removal is done in areas such as the face, neck, legs, back, or even the entire body.

Both men and women can undergo the process of laser hair removal. Men mostly remove the undesirable hair from the neck or back. In women, most commonly it is the facial hair, underarms, bikini line, arms, or legs that are treated for hair removal.

A Cosmetic Procedure

While the other methods like tweezing, waxing, or shaving are popular methods to remove unwanted hair immediately none of them offer a permanent solution. As hair growth is imminent after any of these procedures and the growth rate may also be accelerated. In some people, the hair growth can get thicker and make the skin rough. In treatments like waxing people may experience excruciating pain and sometimes even allergic reactions.

Laser hair removal on the other hand is a permanent solution that will stop hair growth for most people after five or six sessions. It is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. Hair follicles are either damaged or destroyed. In case the follicles are damaged one can expect hair growth after a month. But this can be treated and destroyed after a few sessions. In case of any hair growth, it would be lighter, finer, and less noticeable.

Facial hair removal using lasers is very safe and effective. It removes all the facial hair without any harmful effects. The diode laser treatment is the best for facial hair irrespective of skin color. The most common being upper lip hair removal. It can be a little painful due to the sensitiveness of the area but on the upside, laser hair removal has no downtime.

Types Of Laser and Differences

A very common misconception is that laser treatments are all done using the same laser machine. On the contrary, there are many options for people based on different criteria. Laser systems differ from one another and based on the types of hair or skin tones performances may vary. The area for hair removal also plays a vital role in determining the type of laser.

The five top and most common laser systems used are Ruby, IPL, Diode, Alexandrite, and Nd: YAG. It is good to understand each of the systems and consult with your dermatologist before getting laser hair removal done.

Ruby Laser

The first developed laser system for permanent reduction by use of a short wavelength of 694nm. It is best suited for light and thin hair types. It is best suited for small areas and is less painful due to the long pauses between pulses.


Intense pulse light is not a true laser system but an equivalent. It pulses thermal energy just like laser treatments that are absorbed by the melanin in hair follicles. It is preferred due to its pulse duration, energy levels, and customizable wavelength.

Diode Laser

Relatively new machines that use semiconductors known as diodes as the energy source, Diodes are grouped to create a laser beam of a longer wavelength at 800-810nm that penetrates deeper into the hair follicles. It is best suited for darker skin tones and ideal for removing thick or coarse hair.


The Alexandrite is the fastest and most popular laser hair removal. It can cover larger areas in a shorter period but it is the least comfortable system as it can be painful. It operates at a short wavelength of 755nm and is ideal for people with light to olive skin tones.


It is one of the most recent advancements in laser hair removal with a variety of applications from tattoo removal to skin resurfacing. At 1064nm it targets the carbon as it’s a better chromophore than melanin. Before treatment a carbon lotion is applied, it is safe for all skin types and tan tones.


A safe and permanent solution that can tend to each individual’s specification from color, skin type, area, and even hair type to give you the most effective treatment that suits you best.

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