Google Adwords Lessons That I Learned in 2023

Google Ads (AdWords) can give you the best results if you are experimenting, monitoring and learning from the work you are doing. If one thing does not work then keep trying another thing, that I did. Below are the AdWords lessons that I learned in 2023:

Google Adwords Lessons

Google Adwords Lessons

Target Sub-Categories Keywords rather than Main Keywords:

Suppose you have an automotive locksmith business. Your target audience is the car owner who lost or broken their car keys. Most of the people start targeting automotive locksmith, car locksmith, car keys related keywords but I will prefer to use the “car brand name + keywords” like ford locksmith near me, ford car key maker, ford key replacement etc.

It will reduce your cost and show your ads on the top of the result page because sub-categories keywords have low competition. You can sub-categories the keywords by their brand’s name, type of services, type of a product etc.

Highlight Your Business USP or Specification in Ad Copies:

Do not try to describe your business and product in ad copies. You have limited space in the ad copies to tell about what you are selling. So just tell about the best things of your business – features, specifications, plus points, offers, and discount. This AdWords technique will improve your CTR and Conversation rate.

Write Impressive Ad Title and Description with Power Words:

Another Google Adwords technique that I learned is; write a cache headline with these operators – best, top, high-rate, top-rated, new, awesome, experienced and other power words in your ad title.

Don’t write a boring ad description. Add your business highlights and main keyword in the description with a call to action.

Add Relevant and Multiple Keywords in Ad Group

It is recommended that create a single keywords ad group and include three match types – Broad Match Modifier, Phrase and Exact like this

+home +builder

“home builder”

[home builder]

But this match type cost me high because when someone clicks my ad for home builder Sydney, AdWords counts the cost for broad match keywords ‘+home +builder’. So I decided to add all relevant keywords for “home builder’ ad group which had a good search volume.

Create A Loading Landing Page that Improves Quality Score and UE

Adwords helps to generate relevant traffic and a good landing page convert the traffic to conversion. I made it true by creating a smart and fast loading landing page. It has all the information within the first fold, it has a small business or product description, specification, query form, portfolio, reviews, and contact section. So build a landing page that has great user experience and improves quality score.

What you learned in the last year, share below in the comment box. If you have any Google AdWords and digital marketing related query, contact us.

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