An Overview of Alcohol Abuse: Definition, Causes, and Treatment


Alcohol abuse, use, or consumption is a severe threat to the life of those people who are addicted to it. Any person who includes the consumption of alcohol into their daily routine somehow damages their life along with the life who are dependent on them.

Many adolescents nowadays are leaning towards the world of drug and alcohol addiction. Alcoholism is the most critical form of alcohol abuse and includes the inability to manage drinking habits. And it is commonly known as alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder can be classified into three categories- mild, moderate, and severe. Each of these classifications has its harmful side effects. In this piece of writing, we will understand what alcohol abuse is, its symptoms, and how it can be treated?

What Is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse, also called alcohol misuse, is a severe issue. It can be described as a sequence of drinking too much alcohol too often. It intrudes on one’s life. You might be enduring alcohol abuse if you are drinking too much alcohol at a time and often throughout the week. Simultaneously, it is also a problem when you can’t stop drinking, and it damages your relationships. It can make you unable to be functional at work or in your personal life.

Alcohol abuse results in physical dependency on alcohol. Too much alcohol at one time can result in alcohol poisoning. However, one alcohol drink is defined as 12 ounces of a bottle of beer, 5 ounces glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of infused spirits.

You are abusing alcohol

  • If you drink seven drinks per week or more than three drinks per occasion.
  • If you drink more than 14 drinks per week or more than four drinks per occasion.
  • If you have more than seven drinks per week or more than three drinks per occasion.
  • When you consume these amounts of alcohol, you are harming your health and relationships.

Signs and symptoms of Alcohol abuse:

Followings are some of the symptoms of alcohol abuse with a high concentration of alcohol in the blood vessels.

  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Slowing of reflexes
  • Inability to control body movements
  • Gaps in memory
  • Inabilities in decision making
  • Risky behaviour
  • Staying cautious but not having memory of your action
  • Shaking of hands

A higher amount of alcohol consumption in the blood can lead to difficulty in breathing, coma, or even death. Moreover, alcohol can also affect your health in other ways; it can develop cirrhosis, a liver disease, leading to a significant cause of deaths and injuries because of accidents. Alcohol can also result in weight gain, feeling sick or dizzy, cause you to have bad breath, and even make your skin break out.

What causes alcohol abuse?

For some people, alcohol abuse and alcoholism result from psychological factors. These people drink to calm down up in social settings. At the same time, others drink alcohol to endure psychological issues or stress.

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism may also move in families. However, genetics are not entirely responsible for alcohol abuse. But people abuse alcohol for many reasons. It may be because of social pressure, a way to relax, or a coping mechanism of depression, anxiety, loneliness, tension, or unhappiness.

How is alcohol abuse treated?

The treatment of alcohol abuse focuses mainly on helping you understand ways to control the disease. Most people who recover from alcohol abuse have to hold back from alcohol as drinking alcohol in moderation is challenging for them. Abstinence is often the only way to manage alcohol abuse.

Treatment of alcohol abuse also involves helping people understand their alcohol dependency and any issue in their life. It also includes a commitment to stay sober through the recovery from alcohol abuse can be a long process.

The treatment of alcohol abuse usually includes therapy, learning new coping skills, and searching for healthier ways to manage stress.


Professionals sometimes prescribe certain medications to reduce the signs of alcohol abuse. Other drugs can also help you to quit drinking by obstructing the feelings of intoxication or making you feel sick when alcohol enters your body.

Support groups

There are various rehab centres where the professionals provide support to recover from alcohol dependency.


If you are among those suffering from alcohol abuse, then you need support on a primary basis. Alcohol abuse can be treated when someone gets either family or friends’ support. Medications and specific therapies help to reduce the symptoms of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. However, behavioural therapy can be used to treat alcohol abuse. The treatment can act as a form of support group or counselling. Some prescribed medicines can treat alcohol abuse by helping or stop people from drinking.

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