The Process of Bringing Your Pet with you on International Move

Pet with International Move

The process of bringing a pet to your international move can be just as daunting as your relocation. It would help if you learned about the rules and regulations of the new country, make sure that you have enough time before leaving, and find trustworthy international moving companies to help you. So, if you’re moving internationally with your pet, here are some of the necessary steps that need to be taken in advance.

Step 1: Contact your vet

If you’re moving overseas with your pet, then the first thing that you need to do is contact and talk to your vet. Get your pet checked out for any health concerns before leaving, and ask if they are in good enough shape to make the long trip. This will be the person you and your pet will be working with throughout the entire process of getting all the documents required for legally crossing borders.

Your vet will work directly with a pet relocation specialist responsible for ensuring that all of your pet’s documents are in order before shipping. Make sure that you are comfortable with this company because they will help guide you through the entire process, which can take anywhere between 4-9 weeks, depending on how thorough the documentation is. In general, getting all your documents started is relatively easy, but the most challenging part is waiting for the right time to ship.

Step 2: Make sure that your pet is eligible to move internationally

Before going any further, ensure your pet is eligible to move overseas. There are many rules and regulations regarding pet importation worldwide, but these vary widely depending on the country of origin and the country of entry. Some countries will allow pets to enter without an age limit, while others limit pets based on age and length of hair.

Some countries have restrictions on which breeds are allowed, while other countries have strict rules on where your pet must be vaccinated before entering their borders. Before making a decision on which country to move overseas to, make sure that you know the policies of the country, you want to relocate to.

Step 3: Get your pet fully vaccinated ahead of time

Like any other international move, vaccinations must be up-to-date and properly documented. There are no two ways; if your pet can’t travel because they have not been vaccinated against various conditions, you will have to leave your pet behind. Make sure that your vet has provided you with all necessary A-kits ahead of time in case of delays at customs.

Step 4: Make sure that your pet is equipped with all necessary paperwork

Health records and a copy of vaccination certificates are required to move your pet. Thus, make sure that all of your pet’s paperwork is in order ahead of time. In some countries, you’ll need to have a microchip implanted into your pet as well as a health certificate issued by a vet within the previous ten days. Each country has its own set of rules and regulations for moving pets abroad, so be sure you know what’s required before getting started. Contact the embassy of your country of residence before applying for pet import.

Step 5: Ensure you have pet travel insurance

Make sure that your pet is fully covered for any unforeseeable circumstances. For example, you might not know the policies of the country you’re moving to, so if the country’s policy requires that your dog be put down because they have been in contact with wild dogs, then make sure that all costs are covered under insurance. There are a variety of plans available depending on what your pet needs. The most basic plan includes reimbursement for transportation and medical expenses, while more comprehensive plans include coverage for risks such as theft and other losses.

Step 6: Get the right crate size

The right crate size is big enough so that your pet has enough room to move around but small enough, so they don’t have too much space to get comfortable. You also want to make sure that the crate is made of sturdy material and is lined with soft bedding; this way, your pet will be comfortable during the entire trip. Most countries require cages to be big enough for pets to stand up, turn around and lie down in.

Step 7: Check out your airline’s guidelines for pet transportation

One of the last things that you need to do before shipping your pet overseas is to check out your airline’s guidelines for international and domestic pet travel. Make sure you know all of the airline’s rules and pet regulations because these can change from country to country. Some airlines have strict guidelines that are not in agreement with other airlines.

Step 8: Hire the right international moving companies

The best way to move your pet abroad is to hire the right international moving companies. These experts know the best ways to move around pets and have the connections and knowledge to ensure that your pet’s travel documents are in order. Check the website of international moving companies before getting started on your pet’s international relocation.


Pet relocation can be costly. In some cases, you may even have to give up your pet if you cannot find someone to sponsor them or pay for their move. However, if you follow the steps outlined above, there is a high probability that everything will go according to plan, and your pet will reach its destination safe and sound with all the necessary documentation intact.

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