Relocating is an exhausting phase. The complexity of relocating your pets, packing up, and moving your entire life to a new location can be overwhelming.
With all of the excitement that moving into a new home can bring, it’s easy to forget to do something as simple as creating a ‘home.’ After weeks of looking at boxes and empty rooms, your furniture will finally arrive. But How do you relocate your pets safely? We will share some tips to make this process easier. Continue reading to grasp the tips.
Be Calm
Many people think that dogs and cats do not notice when they’re stressed out. However, pets have acute senses and can tell when their humans are upset, whether from anxiety over misplaced items or yelling at the kids. Of course, this makes the worse scenario of relocating your pets, so be as calm as you can for better moving.
Schedule properly
It isn’t easy to reach the perfect balance between packing everything you may need and packing nothing whatsoever. One way to increase the odds of a successful trip is to start judiciously packing a few days before your destination is due to be reached.
This will help the pet to get comfortable with their carrier and allow the family to handle errands that will complete the trip, such as cleaning, charging batteries in each family member’s camera, preparing snacks and meals for when traveling (such as healthy tuna sandwiches), etc.
Comfort them
Checking out from the comfort of their home will be a reality for many pets, but it can be horrifying for dogs and cats. So, before you pack, give your pets time to get familiar with their carriers. In fact, we recommend keeping carriers out in the open for several days beforehand so your pets gradually become accustomed to them.
Whether you’re checking your pets out for the first time or just making sure they don’t mind being brought along on holiday, get them used to their carriers. Put collars and leashes in, so the familiar feel will help them when you come to take them out.
Make the necessary arrangements
An airline may refuse to transport a pet if they arrive at the cargo facility or airport and are severely ill, cold, injured, or in poor condition. Many airlines require this certificate, and it is sometimes commonly used when transporting pets across state lines. The CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection) contains the animal’s name, breed, and sex, owner information, description of veterinary treatments given, and medicines administered.
The big day
The nightmare that comes along with the process of moving is enough to cause you to hesitate and give up on the very idea of it. It brings together or at least exposes many different hassles from packing and unpacking. Follow the tips to keep away the headache out of moving and provide a stress-free, enjoyable experience for you and your lovable pets.
These are some tips how can you relocate your pets safely and easily. You can also discuss if you have any better idea.