Romantic or Risky: Is It Really Possible to Fall in Love Online?


It is rare to meet people the “old-fashioned way” these days, in many cases due to the freedom and security of the internet. And when the pandemic and quarantine protocols were in full swing, it became even more tricky to meet people with the intention of possible romance and a real connection. The meet-cute still happens, but in today’s world, you will probably find your soulmate online.

Just to clarify, that isn’t a prediction, but a statistical likelihood, as a large percentage of couples in the new millennium meets online in one or more of dozens of dating sites. And as this type of pair-bonding becomes more commonplace, so does the depth of your connection to another person, all the way to finding genuine love, even before you meet in real life. But, can it be real love without physical interaction?

Love in the New World

First, you have to decide what love is to you. Is it the connection of neurons firing just right to give you a state of euphoria at the thought of your partner, is it love at first sight and largely superficial, or is it something you feel deep within your soul that you just cannot explain?

We all have our definitions of love. And because of this, how we define our love for another can vary from person to person. With most relationships starting through internet chats on one of the best online dating sites, it is not only possible but very likely that you will develop such a strong connection, you will probably fall in love online and not even realize it.

It might be through a conversation, or maybe you have done some online dating through one of the various platforms set up just for this purpose. And these platforms can save you some drama if you are still not convinced your love interest is real and true. There is plenty of “catfish” out there who want to scam you and prey on your need for companionship. Using online dating helpers combats these scams.

Sites like Skype and Zoom allow you to chat in person in real time with your significant other, while other sites allow you to watch movies together across platforms, even if you are in two different countries. The world has opened to so many opportunities for regular folk to find love online; the only thing holding you back is, well, you.

Picking the Right Partner

There is an element of trepidation when choosing to find love online. Scammers have become prolific, so you must look out for the warning signs. They will tell you all the right things, but there are always red flags. Be mindful of them, but don’t close off your heart. And seek online love advice from those who have suffered scams but still have an online love success story.

What is online love? It is love without the variable of physical interaction. You can learn and grow with a person, and the bonds of physical intimacy are not a hurdle you must cross right away. This eliminates a very common distraction in most person-to-person dating. So, without sex or even kissing, can online love to be true? Yes. Especially if you think of it as the first step to a serious bond once you meet in real life.

And unlike going from bar to bar or park to park hoping to run into your person, the question of where to find love online has been answered by giving you dozens of options. If you have a preference, there is a dating site for that preference. Jewish, Asian, LGBT; whatever you seek, there is a site to provide, and with incredible accuracy, as long as you are honest on your profile.


Knowing how to love someone online is like knowing how to love a pen pal. You establish a baseline of interests, you develop trust, understanding, and care. Then you decide to support them emotionally and mentally. The stranger becomes a friend, and the friend becomes a loved one. You care for them, and you see them as a part of your world. All it takes is an open mind. And the outcome is often extraordinary. Have you had any luck finding love online?

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