In 2017, health experts declared that an average person’s smartphone was ten times filthier than their toilet! A survey by Ofcom shows that British people check their phones every twelve minutes. Hence, it shouldn’t surprise anyone when scientists claim to have found 17,000+ bacterial gene copies on phones. Thus, it’s recommended to clean/disinfect your phone at least once daily! When people consider cleaning their gadgets, they often don’t know how to disinfect these devices properly. Some attempt to cleanse these widgets with alcohol-based substances, while others utilize cleaning agents containing hydrogen peroxide. Let’s show you how you can purify your precious belongings without ruining them forever.
Tips for cleaning/disinfecting your gadgets
How careful are Americans about cleaning their gadgets? A survey shows that one-fourth of Americans disinfected their devices once a year before the coronavirus outbreak. Today, COVID-19 has revitalized the trend of disinfecting your devices correctly. Some of the most disgusting electronics people own include mouses, keyboards, smartphones, and gaming/remote controllers. Just as people are careful about removing viruses from phones, special attention must be paid to cleaning them physically.
Ensure to follow care instructions meticulously for such technology to keep them functioning correctly. But for the rest of your everyday-use devices, let’s discuss some simple tricks to clean/disinfect them:
1. Cleaning your keyboard
If that nastier-than-toilet smartphone seems revolting to you, just imagine how shocking it’ll be to learn that a keyboard’s even dirtier! So – beginning your keyboard’s purification – disconnect it first from the computer. If it’s wireless, then switch it off before you start cleaning the device. Remove the battery as well if it’s removable. Apply a can of compressed air to wipe off the grime buildup on top of the keys and between them. There are also compressed air dusters available online specially made for keyboards. Then use a disinfectant wipe or a microfiber cloth, which we’ll repeatedly mention in this article, to clean the keys. Don’t use bleach because it may ruin your keyboard.
2. Cleaning your mouse
Besides your keyboard, which piece of computer hardware constantly remains in physical contact with your hands? It’s the mouse – one of the most virulent shelters for bacteria in your house. This device keeps picking up dirt, grease, and grime from your fingers. Purifying this mouse-shaped thing involves disconnecting it from the computer or (if it’s wireless) removing the batteries. Then keep rolling the wheel to ensure any piece of dirt stuck inside falls off before rubbing your dear old microfiber cloth all over it. Get some help from your friendly toothpicks to remove the dirt impossible to eradicate by wiping. Clean it until the mouse wheel starts to move effortlessly!
3. Cleaning your television
How do you think people clean their TV? While cleaning their apartment, people take a few seconds to apply a glass cleaner to the screen and then move on! A few Google searches can tell you that it ain’t the right way to disinfect your television. Companies that manufacture glass cleaners use some harsh chemicals that are highly corrosive to your television screen’s anti-reflective coating. So, dip a microfiber cloth with some water and use it to clean the screen properly. Also, ensure that the remote controller’s also tidy. Dip a cotton swab in a water-alcohol solution for cleaning all the buttons. We’ll explain below how to use alcohol safely to disinfect all these devices.
4. Cleaning your phone
Statistics have revealed that some 46% of people bring their phones to public restrooms. You should use a microfiber cloth to clean/disinfect your smartphone. Don’t forget to turn off the device and remove its battery (if the battery’s removable). Use a soft cloth to wipe off stains and smudges. You may then dip that cloth into white vinegar to clean the device properly. But remember that this white vinegar shouldn’t get inside the phone’s USB ports. Some experts have also suggested using antibacterial wipes for cleaning your phone, but only if they’re not excessively saturated. If you own an iPad/iPhone, don’t use hand sanitizers on it as alcohol may damage its oleophobic coating.
5. Cleaning your headphone
You might’ve noticed that wearing headphones often can sometimes lead to earwax buildup. These devices themselves are contaminated by earwax and require constant cleaning. Again, the solution lies in dampening a microfiber cloth with water and using it to clean the device. Then take an eco-friendly sticky putty for removing wax/dust out of your earphones. But this method will just let you eliminate earwax. For disinfecting your headphone, repeat the same procedure we told earlier in the case of cleaning your smartphone. Don’t neglect those poor wires while you wipe down the entire device. You can also spray a cloth with a disinfectant and then clean the thing properly.
6. Cleaning your laptop
In 2019, over 60% of the British population owned a laptop. So, which is the best procedure to clean and disinfect it? There’s no need to purchase special cleaners for electronics. Just get a towel, some cotton swabs, and a microfiber cloth along with 90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Remember that the alcohol-based cleaning agent needs to have fewer water droplets. Shut down the laptop and remove its batteries. While whipping down the device, you can also use a blower to remove the dust that’s been collecting inside. Dip that cotton in alcohol and cleanse your laptop’s exterior. Don’t use wet wipes when you can get your hands on a dry towel. Also, avoid using detergents on your gadgets.
7. Cleaning fitness trackers
Today, many people use smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other popular wearables to track health-related information. You might’ve seen teenagers walking around the road with a tracker telling them how many calories they’ve lost. Working out makes you healthy, but it also makes you sweat! And the more you sweat, the faster you need to clean that gadget. The trick involves – once again – wiping grease off that wearable with a microfiber cloth.
Let’s explain!
For rubber-made trackers (worn as a hand band), you can rinse them with water/alcohol. Beware of nylon bands, as your sweat can make them smell. So – if they start smelling – you can take some dish detergent, mix it with water, and use this solution to clean the tracker. Use a lint-free cloth for your metal bands. There are also some quality leather cleaners available for leather bands. These tricks can help you keep your gadgets clean and contribute to the longevity of your tech-based items.
We know it’ll disgust you, but, as per one 2011 study, one of six British phones is infected with fecal matter! Now, you can understand why even the toilet’s considered cleaner than your smartphone. Still, a survey by Panda Security shows that 49% of people don’t disinfect electronics. How many do you think will consider Spiritshack cleaning for gadgets after learning this information! Everything that comes into contact with those filthy fingers must be cleansed twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening. It can help you increase the life expectancy of your widgets and make them useful for a long time. During this pandemic, it’s become increasingly important to disinfect your devices effectively and adequately to prevent cross-contamination and infections.