10 Ways To Attract and Recruit Seasonal Workers

Attract Recruit Seasonal Workers

There are many seasonal jobs available, so if you run a business in the hospitality industry, the retail industry, or catering, to name just a few, then you may want to consider employing some seasonal workers to cover periods of your business that are busier than others.

We’re going to look at 10 ways for attracting seasonal workers, and hopefully, it will help you find staff when your company needs them.

1. Use your website

Most people will search for seasonal jobs on the Internet, so make sure that you have a ‘jobs’ page on your company website and link it to any social media sites that you may have. Include a summary of what the job entails and the type of person they are looking for.

This will ensure that you have a steady source of seasonal workers, and it will make sure that you get the best candidates for your short-term positions.

2. Create a seasonal campaign

You can create a seasonal campaign for your business to attract workers. This can include competitions on social media and sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, where your followers/friends can help you find the perfect person for the job. If you can get enough replies, you should be able to find someone who fits the bill.

3. Recruiters

Many agencies offer staff recruitment, for example, Agri talent agency, and you can use them to find seasonal workers for your business. You can also try contacting local job agencies as well. Make sure that you only contact those that have good feedback, as this will help your company a lot more than going through agencies in the phone book.

4. Newspapers and magazines

Try searching the local newspaper and magazines to see if they have any jobs that you might be able to fill. If they do, then send them a cover letter. If they don’t, then try searching the Internet. This is because many companies will place their seasonal workers through recruitment agencies, so if you can find the right ones, you should be able to get some good people for your business.

5. Job boards

Many websites can help you find seasonal workers in your area, and one of them is Seek.co.uk. You can access this website through the Jobs tab on their website, and it will help you fill your skills gap with seasonal workers for your business. This may be the case if you have a seasonal business, such as a cafe, where they don’t need full-time staff.

6. Online job boards

Although this may not be for everyone, you should also consider using online job boards to find people, as it can be a cheaper way of using the Internet to get staff for your seasonal business instead of using recruitment agencies.

7. Local agencies

Many town councils, school governors, leisure centers, and even local businesses offer workers to hire through their agencies. You can also try contacting the local council if they have a seasonal worker scheme. This is a great way to get seasonal workers for your business, as it doesn’t cost you a lot of money.

8. Social media

Create a Facebook page for your company and post job vacancies there. It may be that people from other countries could also apply for the job, so you should make sure you advertise worldwide. You could also post on Twitter when looking for workers, or Google+ or Instagram.

9. Trust the word of mouth

Word of mouth is still one of the best ways to find holiday workers, so if you know anyone who might be able to help you, then ask. You never know; they might have someone who can help you out. This could also be a great way to find people to help you out during the holiday seasons, as they may refer you to someone looking for seasonal workers.

10. Local tradesmen

You could try asking a local plumber or electrician if they know of anyone who might be able to help you out. You never know; they might have someone that can fill the job. If in doubt, ask them. This is because many tradespeople prefer to employ skilled workers for their businesses, giving them more work.

These were 10 ways for attracting seasonal workers, and hopefully, it will help you find staff when your company needs them. It should help you out when you are desperate for workers on a tight budget.

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