6 Ways To Make Temporary Accommodation Feel Like Home

Temporary-Accommodation-HomeAre you living in temporary accommodation while working on an on-site project at work? Or perhaps, you’ve had to move out due to a renovation or a pest infestation. People seek temporary accommodations for a variety of reasons. Regardless, the transition is always tough and leaves us yearning for our homes.

The experience is always chaotic, depressing, complicated, and messy. Unless we actively take measures to make it worth our while. It is natural for us to miss the comfort and warmth of our home, but these associations are creatable. With a few simple tricks, you can turn your temporary accommodation into an inviting and homely abode. This article will walk you through some practical tips and tricks to get the job done right.

Invest In Temporary Decorations

You’re unlikely to consider new flooring or bright paint to get rid of the blank walls. But you can always explore removable decorations to perk up your space. Adding a few wall hangings, a corkboard, and other removable fixtures can work wonders at transforming your surroundings. Besides, anything you buy is an investment you can take home with you.

Hanging up memories in the form of pictures is a great way to take your home wherever you go. Having your family and friends smiling down at you from photographs will give you a sense of security and belonging. You can also hang up a few posters and quirky décor items to eliminate the bleak ambiance. You can even buy a lamp and books to add more charm to your space.

Get Housekeeping

A heavily cluttered, messy, and disorganized space can give birth to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Most short-term corporate housing accommodations offer housekeeping, cleaning, laundry, and food services. It is crucial to get housekeeping, so your space is cleaned regularly. You will find yourself looking forward to returning to the comfort of a nicely tidied space after work.

Hang Up Your Clothes

Have you been living out of your suitcase? Living in temporary accommodations can make us feel like guests, making our yearnings for home even more potent. A disorganized lifestyle will make you feel disorganized and unhappy. It’s time to unpack all the boxes and suitcases and neatly set up your clothes in the wardrobe. Be sure to layout your shirts and bottoms, and use a separate drawer for your accessories. Set up all your toiletries and deodorants on the bathroom vanity. This simple exercise will make your morning rituals similar to those at home.

Even if you’re living there for two weeks, setting up your clothes will make time spent easier and enjoyable. You can take pleasure in dressing up for each day and feel more in control while picking outfits instead of struggling with pulling out things from your suitcase every day.

Consider Investing in Appliances

Most temporary accommodations come with various appliances, while some don’t offer any at all. Setting up a temporary kitchen with three or four affordable devices can help you feel at home. If you’re a coffee-lover, a coffee machine or kettle can prove a lifesaver. A microwave oven is a necessity if you survive on takeout meals and rarely ever cook.

Don’t go overboard and limit yourself to no more than three or four smaller appliances. Pick out the items you absolutely cannot go without. It is wise to carry these appliances with you from home instead of buying new ones.

Invest in Temporary Furniture

If you’re relocating for six months or more, it is advisable to seek suitable furniture options. Do not look for high-end pieces and focus on affordability and convenience. Most temporary living accommodations are usually furnished, but you can personalize the space with more pieces.

Browse online portals, such as Freecycle or Craigslist, and visit local thrift markets to land cheap bargains. You can scoop up some comfy pieces to add character and comfort to your temporary space. Once you’re ready to move back, you can sell them off to another temporary dweller.

Make it Comfy

Is there a particular reason why your accommodation doesn’t feel like home? Lack of comfort is often a plausible reason for such feelings. Don’t stop yourself from adding a few items to make your space more comfortable. For instance, comfortable bedding, throw pillows, warm blankets, and even a rug sound like great items. Besides, you can carry them back home with you, so the investment will be worthwhile.

It is crucial to avoid feeling guilty as you spend on your own comfort to alleviate your mental stress. Being away from home can make us stressed, depressed, and lonely. It is essential to seek out avenues to carve out a home away from home so you can carve out happiness.

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