Top 7 Rugs Buying Mistakes to Avoid


Rugs add vibe, comfort, and warmth to every room of your house. The right rug can change a space and stay a fixture for a long time if it is selected appropriately. And some of us get extremely critical and sometimes quick while buying rugs and end up making some major and noticeable mistakes. Having purchased the wrong type of rug, for example, if your room reflects a complete mismatch and this will kill the whole vibe, as well. A good and well-matched area rug not only makes the space and vibe perfect but also has other benefits such as; it helps keep your area clean and comfortable. So to avoid the basic rug-buying mistakes and give your house the perfect décor with perfect custom rugs, keep reading!

Picking the Wrong Size of Rug

Choosing an area floor covering the rug size might seem simple at first, yet it is considerably more than meets the eye to pick a rug size that will fit the expected space and its furniture impeccably. Quite possibly the greatest mistake you can make is purchasing a rug that is too little for the area.

A rug should bring together every piece of the room secures the furnishings and unite the room. A rug that is too little for a room will in general disjoint the space, causing it to feel incomplete.

One or more themes for the house

You don’t need to restrict yourself to one theme across the entire house, as it can get boring to do so, however for the main areas that are noticeable together like a lounge, family room, living room, and entry, may be generally visible from various points together, it is smarter to stay with a complimenting theme. In any case, with regards to different rooms of the house that are more separated, similar to the rooms, study/office, it is good to be energetic and attempt a playful theme in comparison to the main areas. For example, if you chose a traditional theme for rugs in the main areas of the house, you can choose more modern anime rugs for the personal rooms.

Not trying to Experiment with Rug Placement

Being too regular about style has never worked for anybody. You should be innovative, consider new ideas, and be prepared to explore different areas regarding new methods, styles, varieties, and subjects. You can attempt to fill the hallways with anime rugs for the appealing subject.

Blend and match two stylistic layout styles by setting a conventional handcrafted rug. Try layering two or more rugs together and make contrasts in patterns and varieties to add something.

Not using an anti-slip mat

An anti-slip mat is essential if you’re placing a rug onto hard flooring as one doesn’t want the rug slipping and sliding all over the place. This is not only bothersome but extremely dangerous! If you have kids or a dog playing around, this can make your rug fly! Anti-slip mats aren’t at all costly but can easily fix your rug perfectly in place.

Choosing the wrong rugs according to your room needs

The excellence of a fine rug shouldn’t overshadow its usefulness for your special needs. While a specific rug could get your attention, you want to ensure that it is great for utilization in a particular room. One can easily do this if aware of the basics when it comes to pairing with selected rug types and materials in certain areas of the home.

For high-traffic regions like the entry or a corridor, or high utilization regions that are prone to spills like the kitchen and the family room, your smartest option is a wool rug since they are the simplest to clean. If you have pets, you should select tones that could easily camouflage animal hair in between cleaning or vacuuming sessions. If you like silk, silk mixes, or wool and silk rugs, you can use them in the living room, a study/office, and rooms where they will get less traffic and spills.

Misjudging quality

If you don’t know how to check the quality you’re buying or as a consumer, you don’t have the necessary knowledge or skills to determine whether a product is high-quality or not, nor have you been educated to spot a “good” rug. The majority of rugs you find in stores are low quality and the higher price doesn’t translate into higher quality. You have to start from ground zero if you’re looking to buy a rug.

To avoid this confusion of quality, pay close attention to the knots per square inch, the details, if the rug is made with premium wool, and, last but not least, the dye (the color of the rug should be organic or derived from high-grade pigments).

Choosing a Rug according to your Lifestyle and Habits

The lifestyle you lead and the environment of your household plays a crucial role in your choice of rug. For instance, for a house with pets, rugs with stain-resistant properties might go well. Pets in your home should also influence the color you choose for your rug as having a rug color that resembles the color of your pet can help more fur shed and hide dust more successfully.

Another possibility is if you have a large family with children, where you can expect large foot traffic and a higher possibility of spillages of food and drinks, in such cases, you may go for a rug that can resist high levels of foot traffic and that has increased ability to withstand stains.

End Note:

Buying an area rug for your space is one difficult task that can shatter your dreams of having the perfect home but there are many techniques and solutions to problems that you might make because area Rugs contribute a lot to your overall look and vibe. And obviously one doesn’t want to mess that all up! Just keep in mind the listed checkpoints and you are done with buying a perfect rug for your space.

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