Electric motor repair is a simple concept; a company that will repair your electric motor. However, we get asked regularly what this means in practice, what our customers can expect, and how this will be completed.
Due to the questions we regularly receive, we have put together a brief description of our processes below. However, the information below is generalised and will not be relevant to all of our customers, and it is also not an exhaustive list.
So, if your circumstances are not covered below, then do not hesitate to get in touch with our customer services team for more information and to get an individual quote completed.
First Steps
When you identify a problem with your electric motor, the first thing to do is to make it safe while you wait for help. Here at Houghton International, we offer a 24/7 call-out service to all of our customers in the case of an unexpected failure. This gives you the peace of mind of minimal disruption to your day.
We also service and repair electric motors of all sizes and powers, so you can be sure of our excellent service across any electric motors that you have.
After ensuring that the electric motor and any associated machinery have been made safe, you should contact our engineering team to discuss repairs. One of our engineers will assess the motor on-site to see what the problem is, and the repair will proceed from there.
Fixing the Electric Motor
Once the problem has been identified, the engineer will discuss with you what action needs to be taken to fix the problem. This could be anything from a simple repair that can be carried out immediately to a larger repair that will need to be carried out off-site.
We can give assurance that whatever the issue is, we will work to fix this for you as soon as possible without compromising the quality of the repair work. If a more lengthy repair is required, we will most likely remove the electric motor back to our workshop to repair.
However, if, due to the size of the motor you have, this is not possible, we will send an onsite team of technical specialists to carry out the repair in situ.
Our standard work practice is to collect the motor from you, inspect the issue further, and review and complete any electrical, mechanical, or physical tests that are required. Once all testing and diagnostics have been completed, one of our specialists will dismantle the electric motor and check each component to ensure they are all in working order and clean.
Any components that have been found to be faulty will be replaced or repaired, and any rotating parts will be balanced before the motor is reassembled. The electric motor will then be fully tested in our workshop to ensure it is in full working order before it is returned back to you.
In addition to the above process, there are many other types of repairs and replacements we can carry out, so please visit our website for more information.