Which Country People Uses Tiktok The Most in 2023

Country People Uses Tiktok Most

TikTok is also known as Douyinin in China. It is a short-form video-sharing platform owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. It allows users to share a variety of short-form videos in different genres that can be pranks, tricks, stunts, jokes, music, dance, acting, and entertainment video with durations from 15 seconds to 10 minutes.

Tiktok was released on the date September 2016. Users can download its apps in iOS, iPad, Android, or web browsing versions. TikTok offers users interesting, real, and fun videos that people like to watch. Tiktok’s mission is to host, knowledge, capture, and present the world’s creativity, and precious life moments.

TikTok provides many features to its users so they can upload videos, edit the videos, filter, and effects, social sharing, and allow others to like and comment on their videos.

TikTok statistics

  • TikTok has become the 5th largest and most popular social media platform in the world.
  • This social media platform has billions of monthly active users and 30.8 million daily active users.
  • It is downloaded by 1.5 million people around the world.
  • The majority of TikTokers users are between the ages of 18 to 25.
  • According to the report, approximately 57% of TikTok’s global users were women and 43% of users were male.
  • Children also spend, on average, 75 minutes every day on TikTok
  • TikTok post types are trending matters, popular hashtags, lip-syncing videos, challenges, and pranks.

Top 6 countries with the largest number of TikTok users in 2023

As the resource Cell Phone Deal explains, Tiktok has more than a billion users worldwide. However, Tiktok is banned or restricted in India and Russia respectively. Still, there were millions of users on Tiktok from these countries. But the following are the counties where you can see the number of users on TikTok.

United State137 million
Indonasia100 million
Brazil74 million
Russia51 million
Maxico50.52 million
Vietnam46 million
Philippines41 million
Thailand39 million
Turkey29 million
Pakistan24 million
Saudi Arabia23.70 million
United Kingdom23.38 million
Egypt21.50 million
Iraq21 million
Germany19.52 million
France19 million
Japan16.48 million
Malaysia16 million
Italy15.50 million
Spain15 million
Top 20 countries with the highest number of Tiktok users

TikTok is not just used by individuals but also by businesses also. Many businesses and influencers are taking benefit of this platform. TikTok connects various communities, people, and cultures with each other.

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