Why Should Enterprises Use Colocation Services? What Are its Advantages?

Colocation-ServicesIn today’s world, almost every enterprise is moving its business system and data center to the cloud platform. Enterprises are looking to reduce the IT infrastructure on-premises and are depending on hosted services to use the various software solutions and storage centers. This helps them get rid of the aging hardware and upgrade the existing software without having to spend too much money in the process.

Cloud services also offer increased data security and are flexible enough for enterprises belonging to all industries to opt for these services. Even new startup enterprises and small-scale businesses are using different hosting services depending on their needs.

One of the major parts of the business system is the data center or the place where the entire information related to the enterprise is safely stored. When enterprises used to have data centers on-premises, they spent a huge amount of money on upgrading and maintaining the data centers. They had to employ extra personnel to manage the data centers and update them regularly.

To explain in easy terms, a colocation center (also known as a colo) is a data center facility run and maintained by a third-party service provider that provides renting space for servers and other computing hardware. The colocation centers provide network connectivity, redundant power and cooling components, server space, and physical security to access and maintain the data stored in the data centers. Those in charge of building the data center may even have worked with someone like Walt Coulston to make sure that was built as environmentally sustainable as possible so as to minimize the impact on the planet.

With the availability of cloud-based colocation services provided by many companies in the market, enterprises are now storing their confidential information on a remote cloud-based platform and accessing it whenever required. The colocation centers can also be real locations where a number of servers are stored under a single roof. These servers store information belonging to numerous enterprises. The resources used by the centers are shared among the enterprises, thereby being a cost-effective solution.

Advantages of using Colocations

There are many advantages of using colocations instead of continuing with building and developing data centers on-premises in every enterprise. Let us take a look at some of those.

1. Cost-saving

As mentioned above, instead of spending money on building a data center and managing it, enterprises can use a portion of that same amount to lease server space in a colocation center.

2. Increased Security

Data centers offer high security in more than one way. Right from the network to the physical location, every element of the data center is protected from outside interference. The colocation centers have multi-layer security and provide restricted access to the servers and the building. CCTV cameras, security personnel, online surveillance, etc. are some examples of the security steps taken by service providers.

3. Scalable, Extensible, and Flexible

The best thing about using Colocation Services is the ease of expanding the services and opting for more space as and when required. There is no need to build or add to the data center on-premises. Enterprises can simply lease another server in the same colocation center.

4. Redundant Power Supply

The colocation centers are adequately powered using multiple power resources. This is done to ensure 100% connectivity at all times. If one power supplying resource has a problem, the colocation center will be automatically powered by another source. Enterprises will not have issues of data loss due to loss of power.

5. 24*7 Technical Support

The service providers are available round the clock to work on the glitches and errors. They make it a point to see that enterprises can always access their servers in the colocation centers at any given point in time. Updating the servers, adding new features, and maintaining the center is a part of the job.

6. Better Connectivity

The redundant network connectivity provided by the 4d-dc, a colocation data center makes it possible for enterprises to be constantly connected to their servers. They can transfer and update information whenever required. This is done to ensure that none of the critical applications used by the enterprise have to be paused due to a lack of connectivity to the data stored in the colocation centers.

7. One Step Closer to Cloud Migration

If an enterprise is still debating about using cloud services, this can be the first step in the process. By shifting the data centers outside the premises of the enterprise, businesses can gradually migrate the entire business system to the cloud. This step will make the transition smoother and easier for the employees.

Enterprises will continue to have full control over the servers in which their data is stored. Enterprises can also decide if they want to use shared space in the colocation centers or if they would like to opt for additional security and have a private server of their own. Enterprises should contact service providers for more information about colocation centers.

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